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DOEACC Society 2007 Advanced Level Course In Computer Science A2-R3: BUSINESS SYSTEMS - Question Paper

Thursday, 13 June 2013 12:45Web

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Write a program in visual FoxPro to:
i) To print the records from the table either on console or on paper, as per the option of the user.
ii) To append the table for the new records.
iii) To edit the existing records.
iv) To delete any records from the table.
v) To search any data from the table.
(5 x 3)

7. In a hotel there are five floors and on every floor, there are 10 rooms. Write a program in Visual FoxPro to:
a) Search the room accommodation position.
b) Reserve the needed room, if it is vacant for the new boarder.

8. A bookshop sell 3 kinds of books, namely Science subject, Commerce subjects and Arts subjects. They offer discount @ 2%, 3% and 4% on respective subjects. Besides this the shop also offers a different discount @ 2.5% on Gross Amount of purchase, if it exceeds Rs. 200.00,. Develop a program to compute the bill amount for the identical.

a) What are the master and transaction file in inventory control system? Show a typical structure of these files.
b) Write an algorithm to list out leap years from 1950 to 2050.
c) Explain briefly the role of "Trial balance" in accounting system.


1. There are 2 PARTS in this Module/paper. PART 1 contains 4 ques. and PART 2 contains 4 ques..

2. PART 1 is to be answered in the TEAR-OFFANSWER SHEET only, attached to the ques. paper, as per the instructions contained therein. PART 1 is NOT to be answered in the ans book.

3. Maximum time allotted for PART 1 is 1 HOUR. ans book for PART 2 will be supplied at the table when the ans sheet for PART 1 is returned. However, candidates who complete PART 1 earlier than 1 hour, can collect the ans book for PART 2 immediately after handing over the ans sheet for PART ONE.
(PART ONE-40; PART 2 – 60)

(Answer all the questions)

1. Each ques. beneath provide a multiple option of answers. select the most improper 1 and enter in the “tear-off” ans sheet attached to the ques. paper, subsequent instructions therein. (1 x 10)

1.1 The objective of maintaining an inventory control operation is
A) To maximize the money invested
B) To decrease the cost of storing, handling and insuring a large volume of goods

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