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DOEACC Society 2007 Advanced Level Course In Computer Science A5-R3: STRUCTURED SYSTEM ANALYSIS

Thursday, 13 June 2013 12:35Web

1. There are 2 PARTS in this Module/paper. PART 1 contains 4 ques. and PART 2 contains 4 ques..

2. PART 1 is to be answered in the TEAR-OFFANSWER SHEET only, attached to the ques. paper, as per the instructions contained therein. PART 1 is NOT to be answered in the ans book.

3. Maximum time allotted for PART 1 is 1 HOUR. ans book for PART 2 will be supplied at the table when the ans sheet for PART 1 is returned. However, candidates who complete PART 1 earlier than 1 hour, can collect the ans book for PART 2 immediately after handing over the ans sheet for PART ONE.
(PART ONE-40; PART 2 – 60)

(Answer all the questions)

1. Each ques. beneath provide a multiple option of answers. select the most improper 1 and enter in the “tear-off” ans sheet attached to the ques. paper, subsequent instructions therein. (1 x 10)

1.1 Which of the subsequent is not a named phase in the systems development life cycle?
A) Need Analysis
B) Development
C) Testing
D) Maintenance

1.2 At the highest level, a DFD is referred to as a
A) Level 0 DFD
B) Level one DFD
C) context diagram
D) scope diagram

1.3 This is a different name for a working model that demonstrates how part of an info system works.
A) CASE tool
B) Prototype
C) Data flow diagram
D) Decision Tree

1.4 This can be used to track the tasks of a project when the esimationoftask time are firly uncertain.
D) CASE tools

1.5 The info gathering technique that enables the analyst to collect facts and choices from a wide range of geographically dispersed people quickly and with the lowest expense is the
A) Document analysis
B) Interview
C) JAD session
D) Questionnaire

1.6 This is a common issue encountered during a JAD session.
A) A few people trying to dominate discussion
B) A whiteboard or flip chart
C) Everyone participating
D) People that are excited about the chance to participate

1.7 When comparing a Gantt chart to a PERT chart, which of the subsequent is a actual statement:
A) A Gantt Chart is best used for determining the critical path.
B) PERT charts are only used for simple projects.
C) PERT charts are the most common charts used in info Systems projects and show the timeline better than other charts.
D) Gantt charts are the most common charts used in info Systems projects.

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