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Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya 2007-6th Sem B.E Computer Science (ester) ,.-., - Question Paper

Monday, 28 January 2013 11:55Web

B.E(Sixth Semester) EXAMINATION,Nov.-Dec.,2007
(Common for CS,EC,EE,EI,IT Engg.)

Note : Attempt any 5 ques.. All ques. carry equal marks.

1.(a) Compare the architectural features of Intel 8086 and Motorola 68000 processor.
(b) Write 8086 assembly language program to perform the following-
(i) Subtract 2 32 bit numbers
(ii) Multiplication of 2 16 bit unsigned numbers

2.(a) explain the block diagram of 8155 and mention the salient features of 8155.
Compare 8155 and 8255.
(b) elaborate the various kinds of A/D converters ? explain any one.

3. discuss the RS-232C serial I/O standard. elaborate the various signals needed for data
transimission using hand-shaking. Mention the function of every signal.
4. discuss the various addressing modes of 8051 microcontroller. discuss the subsequent
instructions with operations after execution :
MOV DPTR, #0170 H
MOV A, @ R0
5.(a) discuss the function of the subsequent in 8259 with neat block diagram :
(i) Inservice register
(ii) Priority resolver
(iii) Interrupt mask register
(iv) Cascade buffer/comparator
(b) How do you extend 64 interrupts in 8259 using cascade mode ? Draw the diagram in support of
the ans.
6.(a) Interface 2 eight K RAM chips and 4K EPROM chips with 8088 so to form a completely working
system configuration.
(b) explain the stepper motor interface with microprocessor.
7.(a) explain 8251 Internal Architecture with block diagram.
(b) elaborate the different operating modes of 8251 ? explain any 1 with transmit and receive
formats ?
8. Write short notes on any 4 of the subsequent :
(a) Superscale Architecture of Pentium
(b) Risc and Cisc processor
(c) Applications of 8253
(e) DAC

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