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Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) 2006 B.E Computer Science OOP WITH C - exam paper

Wednesday, 12 June 2013 08:20Web

1 a. What is the essential purpose of using volatile quantifier? How it is declared? provide 1 example.
b. What is the need for enumeration types? provide 1 example. Mention any 2 operations that we cannot perform with enumerator.
c. How reference kind is various when compared to pointer?
d. elaborate the benefits of using typedef names? provide 1 example.

2 a. Is it possible to call functions declared in other languages?Explain your ans by taking an example.
b. Write recursive functions to calculate :1) a^b ii) n!
c. Write a C++ program to print the command line arguments for the input with $ test command 1 two
Where $ shows the prompt of the operating system.
d. Write a C++ program to add 2 complex numbers with + operator overloading.

3 a. What is generic function? Write a C++ program to sort a set of integers and float numbers in ascending order using generic bubble sort.
b. What is meant by explicit specialisation ? Write a C++ program to overload template specification itself taking suitable example.

4 a. What is anonymous union? List any 3 restrictions on anonymous union.
b. What is friend class? With an example discuss the working of friend class.
c. What is an inline function ? Mention its advantage? How are inline functions declared within a class? provide 1 example.

5 a. How can a data member be declared as a static member? What exactly is its impact?Explain with an example.
b.How is a local class declared?What are the restrictions that apply to local class?
c.What is a parameterized constructor?Give 1 example?

6. a.Write a c++ program to compute the avg. marks scored in 3 subjects by students X,Y,Z.Use both initialized and uninitialized arrays of objects.
b.Create a class float that contains 2 float data members.Write a c++ program to overload all the 4 arithmetic operators so that they operate on the objects of float.

7 a.What does inheritance mean in c++.?When do we use the protected visibility specifier to a class member?Give an example?
b.When do we make a virtual function pure?What are the implications of making a function pure virtual function?
c.What is the difference ranging from early and late binding?Explain?

8 a.Write a c++ program that reads a text file a.dat and creates a different file b.dat that is identical execpt that every sequence of consecutive blank spaces is changed by a single space.
b.What is a stream?Why Cin and Cout are not conidered as keywords?
c.What is a scope resolution operator?Why it is required?

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