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Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) 2006 B.E Computer Science OOP WITH C - Question Paper

Wednesday, 12 June 2013 08:15Web

1 a.Define object oriented programming.Differentiate procedural structural and object oriented programing.
b.Explain the various characteristic of oop?
c.Write a program to illustrate the use of enumerated constant?

2 a.Discuss the subsequent with an example.
i.funtion protoptype
ii.recursive function
iii true and formal parameters
iv.inline function
b.Write a program to obtain nCr using recursion.

3.a. describe class and object.Write a class rectangle containing 2 data items length and breadth and 4 functions
setdata(),getdata(),displaydata(),area() to set the length and breadth to get the user display and to obtain the
area of the rectangle respectively.also write a main program wcich declares the objects and uses the member functions of the class.

b.What do you mean by function overloading?Explain with an example.

c.Write a note on new and delete operations.

4 a.Write a c++ program to add and multiply 2 complex numbers with operator overloading.
b.Define function templates?discuss the needs of function templates with suitable examples.

5 a.What is a friend function?write a program that has a friend function to calculate GCD and LCM of 2 numbers.
b.Create a class string and implement the following:
the outcomes are to be displayed by overloading operator after every operation.use constructors in the program.
STRING s3 =s1+s2

6a.What is INHERITANCE?bring out the concept of different kinds of inheritances.
b.Explain virtual function?
c.Write a note on visibility of member functions based on private and protected derivations with an example every.

7a.What are IOstreams in c++?give the stream class hierarely.
b.Explain the use of abstract classes.
c.Write a c++ program to learn a text file and display the contents,number of lines,number of words,number of alphabets on screen.

8 a.Write short notes on
1.friend function
2.'this' pointer
3.static members
4.nested classes

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