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Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) 2007 B.E Computer Science Eight Semester / 08-Emdded System - Question Paper

Wednesday, 12 June 2013 07:30Web

Eight Semester B.E. Degree exam May/Jun 08
Embedded System
Time: three hrs. Max marks:100
Note: ans any 5 full ques..

1 a. with a neat block diagram, discuss the components of ES hardware. (08 marks)
b. List and briefly discuss the different memories used in embedded systems with their
functions. (06 marks)
c. discuss the importance of interrupt handler in a system. List the important points
regarding the interrupts and handling them. (06 marks)

2 a. With a neat sketch, discuss the process of converting as assembly language program
to machine code and ROM image. (10 marks)
b. Write a note on software tools used in an ES design. (05 marks)
c. Briefly discuss the embedded SOC. (05 marks)

3 a. discuss the layout of PSW register and functions of every bit in 8051 microcontroller.
(05 marks)
b. discuss the RAM space allocation and register banks of 8051 microcontroller.
(05 marks)
c. provided a set of 10 bytes stored at a consecutive RAM locations. Write a program in
8051 ALP to count the number of bytes, which are negative (MSB=1). Store the outcome
in any location (05 marks)
d. discuss with relevant instructions the MUL and DIV operations in 8051. provide
examples. (05 marks)

4 a. Write the steps for finding the values to be loaded into the timer. Assuming
XTAL =11.0592 MHz, determine the value to be loaded to have a delay of 5ms. Write a
program to create a pulse width of 5ms on P2.3 (07 marks)
b. Write an algorithm and 8051 ALP to transfer data serially. presume the message
“YES”to be transferred. (07 marks)
c.Explain the layout of IE and IP registers and the function of every bit. (06 marks)

5 a. Write LCD pin descriptions. (04 marks)
b.Describe the 8051 connection to the stepper motor and code a program to rotate it
continuously. (06 marks)
c.Explain the subsequent instructions of 8051 µc: i) DJNZ ii) CJNE iii) MOV b,c
iv)SUBB v) SJMP (10 marks)

6 a. What is a device driver? Why are device drivers important routines in a system?
b. Write brief note on device driver for internal programmable timing devices.
(06 marks)
c. What is interrupt pending register? What is its importance? (04 marks)
d. describe i) situation and ii) Interrupt latency period. (04 marks)

7 a.Explain with an example, the use of finite state machine model in program
development. (10 marks)
b. List and briefly discuss the problems in multiprocessor system. (06 marks)
c. discuss with a simple example, HSDFG model. (04 marks)

8 a. Based on their characteristics, distinguish ranging from functions, ISRs and tasks
(08 marks)
b. Briefly discuss how a semaphore is used for critical parts of a task (06 marks)
c. How effective is the use of mailboxes and pipes in IPC? discuss (06 marks)

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