Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya 2007 B.E Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING (Common for EI, EC
Monday, 28 January 2013 09:10Web
Note : Attempt any 5 ques.. All ques. carry equal marks.
1. (a) In situation to an image, define the sampling and quantization process. Draw sampled image spectra. [Marks 10]
(b) define the image sensing is acquisition process employing a CCD camera. [Marks 10]
2. (a) explain the different properties of 2 dimensional forier transform. [Marks 10]
(b) explain discrete cosine transform (DCT)and its properties. explain how it can be used in transform based image encoding? [Marks 10]
3. (a) List various kinds of noise that may affect an image. define how an adaptive mean filter
may be implemented? [Marks 10]
(b) What is image histogram? How it is useful in image enhancement? Show mathematically the process improving image quality. [Marks 10]
4. (a) explain the properties and transfer function of ideal low pass frequency domain filter.
Compare it with characteristics of Gaussian low pass filter. [Marks 10]
(b) How edge is detected in an image ? elaborate the various methods of it ? explain it using various operator and corresponding masks. [Marks 10]
5. (a) What is the use of hough transform is edge-linking issues of images? How hough transform is implemented ? explain its characteristics. [Marks 10]
(b) explain how a shape may be represented ? List and define different shape defining parameters .Give their matematical representation. [Marks 10]
6. (a) What is the purpose of image restoration ? elaborate its various techniques ? What is meant by contrained and unconstarined restoration? provide example. [Marks 10]
(b) What adavantages Wiener filter has over other filters? elaborate its characteristics ? How it may be implemented? [Marks 10]
7. (a) elaborate various classes of image data encoding techniques ? define the encoding techniques using differential Pulse code modulation. [Marks 10]
(b) explain the subsequent encoding techniques: [Marks 10]
(i) Run length coding
(ii) Variable length coding employing Huffman coding
8. Write short notes on any 3 of the following: [Marks 7,7,6]
(i) Walsh transform
(ii) Distance measure and neighbour of a pixel
(iii) Enhancement using averaging
(iv) Block circulant
(v) Erosion and Dilation of image
Earning: Approval pending. |