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University of Hyderabad (UoH) 2011 M.Phil Sociology Entrance for M Phil - Question Paper

Tuesday, 11 June 2013 09:45Web




Read carefully the following instructions:

1.    This question paper has two parts: Part A and Part B.

2.    Part A Consists of 25 objective type questions of one mark each. There is negative marking of 033 marks for every wrong answer. Marks obtained by the candidate in this part will be used for resolving tie cases.

3.    Part B is to be answered in a separate answer book.

4.    The entrance test paper is not to be taken out of the examination hall.


4.    The concept of Culture History employed by Frankfurt School refers to

a.    culture as the new mechanism of social order.

b.    the triumph of instrumental rationality over substantive rationality.

c.    process of socializing individuals into mass conformity.

d.    all of the above.

5.    As a concept, hegemony* elucidates

a.    the process of internalising the cultural values of a dominant or rising class

b.    struggle over material resources as well as over ideas and moral leadership.

c.    both of the above.

d.    none of the above.

6.    The idea that societies are both physical and mental entities in the context of sociological theory is associated primarily with

a.    Emile Durkheim.

b.    Georg Simmel.

c.    Erving GofTman.

d.    Talcott Parsons.

7.    Who among the following represents the trend within sociology towards the autonomy of theory?

a.    Talcott Parsons.

b.    Robert Merton.

c.    RalfDahrendorf.

d.    Pierre Bourdieu.

8.    Ethnomethodology refers to

a.    the observational study of common sense knowledge available to individuals

b.    the strategies individuals employ to make sense of the world

c.    procedural approach to the question of motivation.

d.    all of the above.

9.    Studies of social class mobility in the context of social stratification have been pioneered by

a.    Karl Marx.

b.    RalfDahrendorf.

c.    John Goldthorpe.

d.    Andre Beteillc

10.    The term theory-ladenness of observation refers to

a.    the business of gathering facts.

b.    observation as the basis of theory.

c.    the idea that evidence speaks for itself.

d.    a reciprocal relationship between ideas and evidences.


11.    Who used the concepts of Little and Great Traditions as an approach to analyse social change of the Mexican communities?

a.    Mckim Marriot

b.    Robert Redfield

c.    Milton Singer

d.    Levis - Strauss

12.    Which of the following is not true about Sanskritisation?

a.    It is a process of vertical social mobility and cultural change.

b.    The idea of purity and pollution is invoked in the process of sanskritisation.

c.    It is an endogenous source of social change.

d.    It results in a significant structural change in socicty.

13.    Which of the following is not true about functionalist model of studying social change?

a.    Society is a persisting configuration of elements.

b.    Consensus is an ubiquitous element of social system.

c.    Change and tension are ubiquitous elements in society.

d.    Change takes place through internal growth and adjustment with outside forces.

14.    Ideology is largely a modem invention because

a.    it is modernity that was responsible for the breakdown of the dogma and uncertainties associated with traditional societies.

b.    it is traditionalisms that was responsible for the breakdown of the degma and uncertainties associated with modem societies.

c.    both a) and b)

d.    only modem man is capable of being rational.

15.    Which of the following has not discussed the problem of the bureaucratization of life in the emerging modem nation-state?

a.    Hegel.

b.    Nietzsche

c.    Simmel

d.    Malinowski

16.    One of the following theorists used medical diagnostic metaphor to explain deviance in society.

a.    Marx

b.    Veblen

c.    Simmel

d.    Durkheim


17.    Who is the author ofLegitimation Crisis?

a.    Max Weber.

b.    Jurgen Habermas.

c.    Pierre Bourdieu.

d.    Michael Foucault

18.    Structure of Social Action is authored by

a.    Anthony Giddens.

b.    Talcott Parsons.

c.    Erving Gofiman.

d.    Pierre Bourdieu.

19.    Space-time distanciation is associated with

a.    David Harvey.

b.    Henri Lefcbvre.

c.    Ulrich Beck.

d.    Anthony Giddens.

20.    Epistemic Break is a concept coined by

a.    Antonio Gramsci.

b.    Michel Foucault.

c.    Louis Althusser.

d.    Jurgen Habermas.

21.    Duality of Structure is associated with

a.    Talcott Parsons.

b.    Robert Merton.

c.    Antonio Gramsci.

d.    Anthony Giddens.

22.    Organic intellectual

a.    describes social life in accordance with scientific rules and articulates through the language of culture, the feelings and experiences which the masses could not express for themselves.

b.    sees oneself as a class apart from society, and the thinking groups which every class produces from its own ranks.

c.    both of the above.

d.    none of the above.

23.    Duality of Structure refers to

a.    multiple roles of a structure.

b.    structures organised in different time and space.

c.    balancing of agency and structure.

d.    none of the above.

24.    The Limits to Growth* thesis is associated with

a.    W.W. Rostow.

b.    Club of Rome.

c.    Washington Consensus.

d.    M.K. Gandhi.

25.    Development of a society requires

a.    a linear rate of growth

b.    an exponential rate of growth

c.    a sustainable pattern of growth

d.    all of the above.


PART - B comprises Section I and Scction II. Answer three questions in all, selecting two from Section I and one from Section II.


Marks: 30

Answer any two of the following. Each question carries 15 marks.

1.    Discuss structural-functionalist theory of Talcott Parsons.

2.    Examine attempts to bridge structure and agency in contemporary sociological theory.

3.    How does A.R. Desai apply Marxist approach to the study of Indian society?

4.    Analyse the subaltern critiques of mainstream perspectives in the study of Indian society.


Marks: 20

Answer any one of the following.

1.    Bring out both the possibilities and limitations of objectivity in social science research as proposed by Max Weber.

2.    Assess the relevance of historical - comparative methodology in the formulation of sociological research.



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