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Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya 2010-4th Sem B.E Computer Science and Engineering .(ester) ,., OBJECT ORIENTED TECHNOLOGY - Question Paper

Monday, 28 January 2013 05:45Web


B.E.(Fouth Semester) EXAMINATION,June, 2010

(Computer Science & Engg. Branch)






1.   (a) What is object oriented programming ? How does it differ from structured programming ? discuss the characteristics of object oriented languages.

(b) Compare global, automatic and static objects. Write a program in C++ to demonstrate the creation and use of dynamic objects.




2.   (a) What is an object ? How object of two different classes can interact ? Give an example for it.

(b) Explain the following terms in object-oriented programming : abstract data types, visibility and information hiding, templates.




3.   (a) What is Aggregation ? Explain its properties and various types.

(b) What are the different elements of object model ? Explain.

(c) Explainthe following by giving suitable example :

[1] Recursive association

[2] Named association



4.   (a) Draw an object diagram to compute the interaction between students and teachers for course as per given time table. You are advice to choose descriptive self-explanatory class, attribute and association names.

(b) Compare aggregation and inheritance. What are the properties of aggregations ?

(c) What are the different kinds of relationship among classes ? Explain.




5.   (a) How virtual inheritance removes the drawbacks of hybrib inheritances ? Write a program to demonstrate it.

(b) Explain operator overloading with the implementation of complex number and its numeric operations addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.




6.   (a) Discuss about the following :

[1] Method lookup


(b) When does ambiguity arise in multiple inheritance ?How can oneresolve it ? Develop a program in C++ to create a derived class having the following items : Name, age, roll no, marks, empcode and designation. Design a base class student having data members as roll no, marks and the another base class is employee having data members as empcode anddesignation. These both base classes are inherited from a single base class person with datamembers name and age.The program should carry out the required input() and output() member functions for all.




7.   (a) What is Containership ? How does it differ from inheritance ?

(b) Write a program to create a database of the student information such as names, roll no and the program should have the following facilities :

[1] Adds a new record to the file

[2] Modifies the details of a record

[3] Displays the contents of the file




8.   (a) Define a stream.What are the three streams used for inputting, outputting and both for inputting and outputting ?

(b) Write a Java program to produce the following output :





The number of rows to be printed is read from the user.




9.   (a) Explain how memory allocation failure can be handled in C++ ?

(b) Defines interfaces in Java. How interfaces are implemented ? How can they be accessed ? How to apply interfaces ? What is menat by extension of interfaces ? Explain with an example.




10.                     (a) What is the difference between the following in JAVA ?

[1] Static class, public class and class with any keyword and static data member

[2] Static function and public function and public static function

[3] Keyword implements and keyword extends

[4] Abstract classes and concrete classes

Give one example in each case to illustrate the difference.

(b) What is Unicode ? Why Java uses Unicode and not ASCII code ?

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