Sikkim-Manipal University of Health Medical and Technological Sciences (SMUHMTS) 2009 B.B.A BB 0015 - Quality Management - Assignments for spring session - Question Paper
Sunday, 09 June 2013 09:55Web
Course: BBA Semester 3
Subject Code: BB 0015
(2 credits)
Set 1
Marks 30
SUBJECT: Quality Management
Note: every ques. carries 10 marks
1.Write in detail the historical development of quality .What is meant by quality assurance?
2.Explain the concept of quality control. define the QC modifications in detail. discuss Audit Reporting.
3.Explain in detail about Customer Feedback and its advantages to organization.
Course: BBA Semester 3
Subject Code: BB 0015
(2 credits)
Set 2
Marks 30
SUBJECT: Quality Management
Note: every ques. carries 10 marks
1.Explain the specification of quality requirements for suppliers in detail. How are suppliers selected? elaborate the different conditions for selection and valuation of suppliers?
2.Explain the different levels of Maslows Hierarchy of needs.
3.Define Benchmarking. discuss the necessity of benchmarking .
Earning: Approval pending. |