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Sikkim-Manipal University of Health Medical and Technological Sciences (SMUHMTS) 2009 B.A Journalism S.M.U.JM fall 09 - Question Paper

Sunday, 09 June 2013 08:50Web


learn the ques. provided beneath and ans the identical

SET I (30marks)
1. Prepare a power point presentation on the organizational structure of any Radio industry.
(15 marks)
2. Explain the concept of Departmentalization in newsprint industry? ( five marks)
3. Explain the kinds of newsprint Advertising. ( five marks)
4. Write short notes on the subsequent a) Registration of newsprints b) PCI ( five marks)

SET II (30marks)

1. Prepare a power point presentation on communication in an organization (15 marks)
2. Explain the ownership of radio and television studios. (5 marks)
3. Write short notes on the subsequent a) Film Censorship b) Electronic newsprint (5 marks)
4. Explain the concept “Managing organizations through computers”. (5 marks)

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