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Nalanda Open University 2010 M.Com Commerce Master of Part–II, –XIV (OLD) (International Business Finance) Annual , - Question Paper

Sunday, 09 June 2013 07:00Web

Master of Commerce Part–II, Paper–XIV (OLD) (International Business Finance) Annual Examination, 2010

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY Master of Commerce Part-11, Paper-XIV (OLD) (International Business Finance)

Annual Examination, 2010

Full Marks : 70    ____Time : 3 Hours.

ySQ?z! JFFff 3 (3777 / TPft JFFfr    WfR 0 I

Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1.    *F$r?7 H<gfcl cl>t ftcldl <PJT 7TTO fcTCJ UTT ?

What lessons can be drawn from the breakdown of the Bretton Woods System.

2.    tTlvTR <FJT ? $w<t>     3TPT <F> tPRTi I>t 3TRSTT    I

What is Euro Market ? Explain the reasons responsible for bringing it into existence.

3.    PrJJST    Pici?i, llciqi fRT H&TT 3feqcf>lcfH <P <-lNlfrl<*> Jfr tI>T qft&FT


Examine the relative merits of Foreign Direct Investment (EDI), portfolio investment and short-term investments.

4.    vhfmf wt? fcRT tor $ ? u#t smswfi ? What is currency risk ? What are its types ? Why it is necessary to manage this risk ?

5.    *TR?T TRW frRT TOR 5T?32T fttst    faWT t ? 3JR5TT    I How does the government of India regulate Foreign direct investment ? Explain.

6.    iRcj x@ 3kMj5Uj qf4raRmr    jpt jAtdn? i Describe important differences between domestic and international projects.

7.    fRT TOR TTunfrfrRf; rrf$PT 3il<boH sft? OTR    t ? 52HW |

How do multinational Corporations assess and manage political risk ? Explain.

8.    TPTR 71 TRfRT    tpT TTSfa % <jfffuTTJ |

Explain trade finance in the context of international trade.

9.    sRRra 3jrr'    ?Tmvrr m wr v    ej i Describe in brief the special documents pertaining to international trade.

10.    <r>*Hpi4i fTT if fitful <PH iTfFZ <P7cft ? facmii    I Why do multinational corporations prefer to invest overseas ? Discuss.


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