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Nalanda Open University 2008 M.A Sociology Previous Year Part II Nalanda University - Question Paper

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Nalanda Open University.
ques. paper of M.A.Sociology Part II year 2008


M.A. {Sociology} Part-II, Paper-IX (Environment and Society)

Annual Examination, 2008 Marks: 70    Time: 3 Hours

Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1.    H'iNIM'l    cf?T 3iici1'c|iirticr> cZTRsCTT c)fui |

Critically evaluate Marxs theory of Alienation.

2.    TfHTvmTWto    A{ cfeR cfc iiHlcJR 7ft Wt 1

Describe the contributions of Emile Durkhim and Max Weber in the perspective of Sociological tradition.

3.    mjfcNU|    cfc SIR m    fcRsf I Write an essay on the Rise of Environmental Sociology.

4.    "U<p\h cTTT W STTcfj    I fclcfaHl I

"There is dialectical relationship between nature and society". Discuss.

5.    WgW W P fcrfFT Hcf>R cfc    cfc cf>T    fcTcR $ | What is Pollution? Describe in brief the methods to prevent various types of pollution.

6.    f?    # xrat ep |

What do you understand by Environmental issues? Describe the various environmental issues.

7.    TTeWIT vFRSfT fJFxT 3TTeftrRTcp    c|f\ji I Critically evaluate Malthusian theory of population.

8.    f<mm 3STT Wtsti %?    ?Tcf cf?f cZJRTT    |

What do you understand by Displacement? Discuss its major elements.

9.    viWlPlcfrl 'dHl'Jl    <J?T cjtfa c|Rj |

Describe the interrelationship between technology and society.

10.    frfeffecf A % fiNt eft *TC ftMl feRt :

Write note on any two of the following.

(i)    'fcFcprcreftcT ft qijfcRUiciK (Environmentalism in developing countries)

(ii)    (Materialism)

(iii)    nWreiN (Global Environmentalism)

(iv)    fefrkfc (Sustainable Development)


o-qo qr-H cfr fcrnMr cfr fen?

XTR 3    I__


M.A. {Sociology} Part-II, Paper-X (Ethnicity, Pluralism and Nation)


Annual Examination. 2008

Marks: 70    Time: 3 Hours


Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1.    WlfcTdK 3TN W    f ? Uuj|fclc||<    M ftcfER Wi.

What do you understand by Ethnicity? Discuss the history of ethnicity.

2.    MTcfa to W t ?    ijftcfTT cF?f What is ethnic consciousness ? Describe its role in the context of globalization.

3.    WfjfcT fcrfiRcTT m W ?FTS t ? gefflcW 3THRR Wt I

Wliat do you understand by cultural diversity? Examine it from comparative perspective.

4.    eft    3jk pnfvrar    i

Discuss the historical and social background of the emergence of nations.

5.    wt?    affe fotaaff     I

What is nationalism? Describe its emergence and defining features.

6.    *fTCcT 3 WvJllfcllchi|cf> 31 cH cf?T tTSli I Describe the Ethnic Movement in India.

7.    RftgtocTT cPT 3J?f RTFj cfSfT MT I

Explain the meaning of Nationality and describe National Building.

8.    MTcfa irfwt? ftfcpTI W! I What is Ethnic conflict? Discuss.

9.    m wt?    3 g# I

What is the theory of Nationalism? Discuss it in Indian context.

10.    Mci%cT 3    m TffT feqfl fcfferj Write short notes on any TWO of the following:

(i)    31-rR'hr Met I m    International Migration.

(ii)    Ncl'H\<hfclciK    Multiculturalism.

(iii)    PfvTTfrrfTW 3ilrH'ldcf5'<ui    Assimilation of ethnicity.

(iv)    'scRewi    Globalisation.


M.A. {Sociology} PartII, Paper-XI (Sociology of Popular Culture and Mass Communication)

Annual Examination, 2008 cs: 70    Time : 3 Hours

srrif <?> aw / wft imf $ m wm 11

Answer any hive questions. All questions carry equal marks.

cfarfto    wft t ?    3fft ftiwfr cp fcerre!

fi 3 i

What do you understand by Popular Culture? Discuss in this context the views of Hogard and Chicago Schools.

cfaiffa TRrfcT s?RT         JJEZReidT cf>y cftfa I

Describe the identity and community consciousness mediated through popular culture. JEFTT d4>-f|cl> cf> flTcFRT    3 t1c#5PT cf?T I

Describe the. role of Television as a means of development of information and communication technology.

Tnfct m-ot ii    eft ijftgjr eft xraf i

Describe the role of mass media in spreading popular culture.

<?>T tftw uFRW OTl? CTSTT HHW'vH <R    ej>[ cpfa c} |

Discuss the control of MNCs over global information flow and entertainment.

SFRTCR cf>        <R Tpp fop*! fcrei I

Write an essay on the social use and abuse of Media.

efaiffrj ffrT    eft tltrf cff? I

Describe the theoretical perspective of popular culture and Media.

efc 3TCRTC *R y(cifelled cftcpfim RffcT eft ej>$ |

Describe Popular Culture as reflected in Festivals.

   tfrf m fajR TRtJd efT |

Give your opinion on Media and Social Policy.

PiHfeiRad A <r TifRT feVif fM

Write short notes on any Two of the following

(i)    fclelM (Leisure)

(ii)    tcftcfRW (Globalization)

(iii)    cT W*RT (Little and Great Tradition)

(iv)    efaf>    (Folk Culture)


M.A. {Sociology} PartII, Paper-XIl (Globalization and Society)

Annual Examination, 2008 Marks: 70    Time : 3 Hours

foif tfw mf <j> aw i wft nrif <?> m mn $ /

Answer any Five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1.    ti ngs    cjft rrat i

Describe the major elements of globalization, such as, capitation, technology and politics.

2.    cUflwui    cf>r fcl'kja    I Describe in detail various definitions of globalization.

3.    RT Mfoft cj> 8 3 JlfIT efa VT M cpfa cj>$ I Describe Media Lab Asia in the field of information techonology.

4.    TjHT    7R8T W flfM f ? f[ 3 |

What are the challenges before Information Revolution ? Discuss.

5.    McfTW ti 3rf*lRor M if 6IT3TR eft W f ? vJwfe I What is the role of market as an agency of globalization ? Explain.

6.    Plfr 3 3TTC W I ?    tflcT eft irat p |

What do vou understand bv N.G.O. ? Describe its sources of finance.

7.    3FvRhl TPTcRf m <TCT f ? 3TfRtf cpff 3ncRScf> f ?

What do you understand by International Organizations ? Why is their existence necessary ?

8.    TOJiRT TPET cfc OTlyR 3 fKff cf>T     I

Describe the purpose and principles of United Nations Organization.

9., ti m frfcfj eft cfi i

Describe cultural Globalization as a process.

10. ftnfeifefl A M m    ferct

Write short notes on any Two of the following

(i)    (Welfare State)

(ii)    cIsfcTlii (Global Trade)

(iii)    cA Jvpflfrrcp 3lferawi (Political economy of Globalization)

(iv)    <cflcMuf $ flfflfvlcfl    (Social consequences of Globalization)


M.A. {Sociology} Part-II, Paper-XIII (Rural Society in India)

Annual Examination, 2008 Marks : 70    Time

fagf    $ i M wth t I

Answer any Five Questions. All questions cany equal marks.

1.    fqcfj TRM fsper feTCsf |

Write an essay on Indian Peasant Society.

2.     fcrtasff rpclt cf3 |

Describe the characteristics of Indian agragarian society

3.    trrtfa Cfft fctfTCcTKjff Cj5t rjrrf I Discuss the major characteristics of Village Family.

4.    ifrT <PTT t ? 5T8JT 3    eft <2TRIT I What is caste ? Discuss the changes occurring in the caste system.

5.    erf vr tjcfj feVit forc i Write a brief note on rural religion.

6.    TH%T flTOlfvirch     fasper fcRt I Write an essay on Rural Social Structure.

7 irrfW 'lfMddl 3fr?     wWf 35T pfa I

Describe the reasons of rural mobility and emigration.

8.    infar    eft 3Hci?wdr Ttfater fcRt i Write a brief note on the importance of rural reconstruction.

9.         jmicfr cj?r tfxit cfj i Discuss the impact of globalisation on agriculture.

10.    fRlerfecT 3 cfT Wl "flfSW fcT%q Write short notes on any two of the following:

(i)    fclcftKl cj>i<Wl - Community Development Program

(ii)    WTcff TM    - Panchayati Raj.

(iii)    ,JTRcT    - Land Reform Legislation in India.

(iv)    W apTR-f    - Irrigation management practices.


M.A. {Sociology} PartII, Paper-XIV (Urban Society in India)

Annual Examination, 2008 Marks: 70    Time; 3 Hours

mf Urj? Ufa? i wtf wjf m wm $ /

. IHvitvr any Five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1.    'TJTI     to    eft    epf 3MTtrWRi Wt |

"Critically evaluate the contribution of Durkheim in the field of Urban Sociology.

2.    'HHIvrtiill'W eft gr ij qjeft, ephr fcftjft eft uVKRt [TcR I Evaluate the contributions of Park, Burgess and Mackenzie in the field of Urban Sociology.

3.    <JcB    I" eJ5R cfJT     I "Urbazism [s a way of Life". Examine this statement.

4.    W 3 FTflepI eft efjReftt eft xjrrf ejj$ |

Discuss the various factors of urbanisation in India.

5.    Wcto A    eft eft MTeif cPT faw 3 ezirezn ef3 |

Discuss in detail the impact of the process of urbanisation on Indian Society.

6.    W A ail<Mlfi|b TFTERT eft qfarftt cfT foRJcT feUcl I

Analyse in detail the changing occupational structure in India.

7.    "<roi uTifrt wm enf czRRrr eft w\ A qRcif st t"? fore11! 3 j "Is caste system changing into class system" ? Discuss.

8.    TRcSl H,w'l eft fcfeJjRl eftt 3?FT eR cPN ef$ I

Describe the condition of growth oflndian cities.

9.    ->7rccfa    eft fop-ra m mrt i Illuminate the development of slum in Indian context.

10.    PlHfafefl 3    fFft ff

Write short notes on any Two of the following

(i)    uflfct eJlcRSJT (Caste System)

(ii)    TpMt (Urban Poverty)

(iii)    yell'd (Migration)

(iv)    '1'lfk TPTMW3 (Urban Sociology)


M.A. {Sociology} Part-II, Paper-XV (Sociology of Religion)

Annual Examination, 2008

Marks : 70    Time : 3 Hours

ff WtfRf 3 |        t |

Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1.    vti < WvUfll-W    xTElf I Discuss the scope of Sociology of Religion.

2.     HTWT 3ft ftfcnT I Analyse the Ideal Type of Max Weber.

3.    HihWlrW ftl5RT fcRclT |

Analyse Functional theory of Durkheim.

4.    ct<ft cfjj tjep WvRTR# c 7 3 Evaluate Levi-Strauss as a Sociologist.

5.    rw Mtfrl'cfTcfR tR Trap ftepg |

Write an essay on dialectical Materialism.

6.    fRsT erf    fRlt c& cZTTIT Explain the cardinal principles of Sikhism.

7.    erf fWm3# cZTRsZTT Explain the main features of Christianity.

8.    iTTCcT    A qffa 5TR tpetf I Describe sacred knowledge in religious context in India.

9.    fllHKlfacbdl <f>T W 3$ t?    tR tyclSlfacb'


What is meant by Communalism? Discuss the different historical forms of communalism in India.

10.    tR fcoquft Write short notes on any TWO of the following:

(i)    Wcfl    Belief System

(ii)    3iTvHcJR    Animism

(iii)    Secularism

(iv)    Enfcfj 3TFtcFT    Religious movements


M.A. {Sociology} Part-II, Paper-XVI (Education and Society)

Annual Examination, 2008

Marks : 70    Time : 3 Hours

i \ M 3nj> wt t i

Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1.    flian    tfvR    eN M g?ifuT i

Define Sociology of Education and discuss its scope.

2.    Jcr>i4ciic; $$$ 3 t ? Rl'rtjd fcfcfrRT clfuii) I What is Functionalism? Discuss it in detail.

3.    %an $ to A    i Describe the functions of State in the field of Education.

4.    'HHlfacb     3TN W T3fit t ? cTflT foRTf eft 3TTefaffTc*T3> ajRjJTT I

What do you understand by Social Stratification ? Critically analyse theories of Stratification.

5.    %1TcTZT    t ? fcRjTcRT aRTWT cfr    3>t    I What is a school? Describe school as a system.

6.    flm 3    i

Discuss the importance of language in teaching.

7.    WTtraf    we cftftpit |    WRnr i Discuss the meaning of the word curriculum. Explain the objectives of curriculum.

8.    %an 3 iVi <pt 3rrahwTcf> fWm i

Critically examine the role of Evaluation in Education.

9.     f$Tre> 3?T MRcltfa 3TpFfft <J> 3 *PJT W'TFT t ? ftfcRT    | What are the special features of a teacher as a change agent? Discuss.

10.    PlHfafelcI 3 eft m    foTfen?

Write short notes on any TWO of the following:

(i)    Wrf : Causes of conflict.

(ii)    HRcfto    frfcf : Status of Indian women.

(iii)    3TcRNt cf5t    FPTPfcfT : Multiculturalism Equality of educational opportunity.

(iv)    HT cicf)41j : Information Technology.


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