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Punjab Engineering College 2008 B.E Electronics

Monday, 28 January 2013 10:05Web

INTERNET AND WEB DESIGN ques. paper Degree Examination, November 2008

(MS53/ - For those who joined in 2006/MS23- For the batches from 01-04 to 05-08)
Time: three Hours. Maximum: 70 Marks
ans ALL Questions: (10×1=10Marks)
1. _______________ helps the users to search the FTP space using keywords.
2. What is ISDN?
3. Write the use of Prologue?
4. What is the use of text attribute in the tag?
5. Mention any 2 scripting languages?
6. List the attributes of tag?
7. Java Script is a_____________ programming language?
8. Function ___________determines if its argument is or is not a number?
9. The _______________ directive is processed once, at JSP translation time and
causes content to be copied into the JSP.
10. Name the JSP scripting components.

ans ALL Questions: (5×6=30Marks)
11. (a) Write short notes on Usenet.
(b) What is a dial up connection? discuss the limitations of dial up connection
and compare it with a leased line connection.
12. (a) define how can you current info in the form of lists in HTML.
(b) Design a web page of your college in improper colours.

13. (a) Write a set of frames to display the tourist spots of Tamil Nadu.
(b) elaborate multiple styles? discuss with suitable examples.
14. (a) discuss the methods of Date object with example.
(b) Write a Java Script program using recursive function to obtain mn.
15. (a) explain on JSP directives.
(b) discuss briefly about JSP implicit object.

part –C
ans any 3 questions: (3×10=30Marks)
16. discuss the file menu and Communicator menu of Netscape Navigator.
17. Write an HTML document to print your class time table.
18. Write HTML code to create an email account
registration form.
19. explain in detail about the repetition structures in Java Script with examples.
20. what are on JSP standard actions.

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