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Nalanda Open University 2009 B.A Geography Final , (Subsidiary) Part-I, -I (Geomorphology climatology & Oceanography) SET-I - Question Paper

Friday, 07 June 2013 04:15Web

Final Examination, 2009 B.A. Geography (Subsidiary) Part-I, Paper-I (Geomorphology climatology & Oceanography) SET-I

Nalanda Open University

Final Examination, 2009 B.A. Geography (Subsidiary) Part-I,

Paper-I (Geomorphology climatology & Oceanography)


Time : 3.00 Hrs.    Full Marks : 80

Answer five questions in all, selecting three from section "A" and two from section-"B".


Section "A"

Discuss the views of Airy and Pratt regarding isostasy.

Give a reasoned account of the constitution of the earth's interior.

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Critically examine the geosynclinal orogen theory of Kobar.


Give an account of the landforms formed by river erosion.

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Discuss various evidences in favour of climatic change.

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Describe distribution of salinity in the ocean water.

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Section "B" 7lI]iQffQIII?r

Give an account of the salient features of commercial grain farming.

Give an account of the production and distribution of petroleum in the world.

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Give a detailed account of the locational factors of iron and steel industry in the world.

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Write an essay on the fisheries of the world.


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