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Punjab Engineering College 2008 B.E Computer Science COMPUTER GRAPHICS - Question Paper

Monday, 28 January 2013 10:00Web

COMPUTER GRAPHICS ques. paper Degree Examination, April 2008

(For those who joined in 2006)
Time: three Hours. Maximum: 70 Marks
ans ALL Questions: (10×1=10Marks)

1. What is an LCD Monitor?
2. The smallest screen element is called as____________
3. The refresh storage used to store intensity info for every pixel is referred as______________
4. What is the purpose of the display file?
5. Write the equations of 2D translation.
6. Sequences of transformation can be combined into 1 transformation by the ------------------process.
7. How are segment files organized?
8. A process which divides every element of the picture into its visible and invisible portions is called as
9. What is meant by homogeneous coordinates?
10. What is a viewport?
SECTION-B (5X6=30 Marks)
ans ALL Questions:
11. (a) Write in detail about pixels and Frame buffer.
(b) Write a note on any 2 display devices.
12. (a) write the procedures for entering absolute and relative values of a polygon in a display file.
(b) discuss the normalized device co-ordinates and illustrate their use.
13. (a) Write a short note on 'scaling' with respect ot 2D transformation.
(b) Write about rotation transformation in 3D.
14. (a) discuss the need of a segment table.
(b) Write the procedure for deleting a segement.
15. (a) Write short notes on windowing.
(b) What is Clipping? discuss the Cohen-Sutherland Algorithm for clipping a line segment.

SECTION-C (3x10=30 Marks)
ans any 3 Questions:
16. discuss the Bresenham's Algorithm for line generation.
17. discuss how Polygon's are represented.
18. What is composite transformation technique? How rotation with respect to an arbitrary point is carried out using composite transformation?
19. Write procedures for saving and showing a segment.
20. Illustrate the Sutherland Hodgman Polygon clipping Algorithm.

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