Nalanda Open University 2009 B.A Economics Final , , (Hons), Part-I, -II (Indian Economy) - Question Paper
Friday, 07 June 2013 03:45Web
Nalanda Open University
Final Examination, 2009
B.A. Economics (Hons), Part-I
Paper-II (Indian Economy)
Time : 3.00 Hrs.
Full Marks : 80
ans any 5 ques.. All ques. carry equal marks.
1. define the status of Indian economy in Pre British Period.
2. What do you mean by commercializations of agriculture? explain the impact of commercializations of Indian agriculture during British period.
3. explain the general impact of British rule on Indian economy.
4. explain the main features of the Indian economy.
5. define the Chief characteristics of India's Population. In what way can rapid growth in population be controlled?
6. Write an essay on "New economic Reforms"
7. explain the importance of agriculture in the Indian economy. elaborate the main causes of backwardness of Indian agriculture?
8. Analyse the role of the public sector in the economic development of India.
9. What is the situation of Poverty in India? elaborate the steps taken by the government for the removal of poverty from India?
10. elaborate the causes of inflation in India? elaborate the steps taken by the Government for the removal of this problem?
Earning: Approval pending. |