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Nalanda Open University 2009 B.A Economics Final , (Subsidiary) Part-I, -I SET-I - Question Paper

Friday, 07 June 2013 03:40Web

Final Examination, 2009 B.A. Economics (Subsidiary) Part-I, Paper-I SET-I

Nalanda Open University

Final Examination, 2009 B.A. Economics (Subsidiary)

Part-I, Paper-I


Time : 3.00 Hrs.    Full Marks : 80

Answer any five question. All questions carry equal marks.


"Economics is a science of wealth", discuss and state the relation between wealth and welfare.

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Distinguish between Micro Economics and Macro Economics. Point out the necessity of Macro approach in Economics analysis.


Explain consumer surplus. How consumer's surplus is measured through indifference curve analysis?

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What do you mean by economics of scale? Discuss its major effects.

What is Isoquants? Discuss its properties.

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Discuss the modem theory of rent.

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What do you mean by collective bargaining, can it raise the wages.

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"Interest rate is determined by monitory powers". Discuss

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Discuss the pay Back Method of Investment Appraisal.

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Write short notes on any two of the following:

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New welfare economics


Indifference Curve




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