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Nalanda Open University 2009 B.A Economics Final , chelor of Arts Hons., Part-II -IV (Money nking & Public finance) - Question Paper

Friday, 07 June 2013 03:25Web

Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Arts Economics Hons., Part-II Paper-IV (Money Banking & Public finance)

Nalanda Open University

Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Arts Economics Hons., Part-II Paper-IV (Money Banking & Public finance)

Time: 3.00 Hrs.    Full Marks: 70

Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks. ttNt cFT 3tTT     3% fl

1.    Define money and discuss function of money.

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2.    What is Index Number? Discuss its kinds, utility and limitation.

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3.    Define deflation and discuss its causes and effects.

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4.    Discuss the function of Commercial Bank.

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5.    How Commercial Bank creat credit? Discuss.


6.    Define public finance and distinguish between public finance and private finance.

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7    Discuss the causes of growth of public expenditure in the context of India.

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8    Discuss the relative advantages and disadvantages of Direct tax and Indirect tax.

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9    Define Public debt. Discuss the various sources of Public debt.

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10    Write short notes on any two of the following:-

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(a)    Zero Base Budgeting

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(b)    Characteristics of a Good Banking System


(c)    Money Policy



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