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Nalanda Open University 2009 B.A Economics Final , chelor of Arts, Part-III , -V {Development & Environmental } - Question Paper

Friday, 07 June 2013 03:15Web

Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Arts, Part-III Economics, Paper-V {Development & Environmental Economics}

Nalanda Open University

Final Examination, 2009 Bachelor of Arts, Part-Ill Economics, Paper-V (Development & Environmental Economics}

Time : 3.00 Hrs.

Full Marks : 70

Answer any five questions. All Questions carry equal marks.

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1. Critically examine the Harrod- Domar Models


2. Explain Poverty, Absolute Poverty and Relative Poverty and discuss causes of absolute and relative poverty.

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3.    Explain Karl Marx's Theory of Development.


4.    What is Critical Minimum Effort thesis? Explain

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5.    Discuss the following:

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(a)    Green Revolution and Productivity. ?T

(b)    Causes of Slow Progress of Land Reforms.

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6. Write an essay on " Globalization and Agricultural Growth".

7. Describe various types of investment criteria and discuss its importance for Less Developed

Countries (LDC).

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8.    Explain the "Dual Gap Analysis". 99nnnnnn3nnizinnfnn3nTQ7Q3nr

9.    What is monetary policy? Explain the role of monetary policy in economic development.

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10.    Write short notes on any two of the following:

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(i)    Intellectual capital    uO .fdOIZIM

(ii)    Democratic Planning

(iii)    Cost -Benefit Analysis sDflZlf rQDr


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