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Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University (PSTU) 2009-1st Year M.A Astrology Jyothisham Annual - Question Paper

Monday, 28 January 2013 08:55Web

Potti Sreeamulu Telugu University.
M.A. Astrology ques. Paper 1st Year Annual exam.

Code No.89/91/1-1

$csSSooeoo itoogb -)aP*-)cyge)o&)o


oDo.G.    - s3Vv<$0 qbo>=L5o : syS> mbLioPeo - NsoD, 2009


1b>5 - 1 8,glta.asqD - a)/]) (o>c;S-);)NSoase)o PAPER - 1 : History of Astrology

qSsSoofoo : 3 rfo&ew    sSwdoew : 100

Time : 3 Hrs.    Marks : 100

I. C [o<> sySSe G syeovgio [obaPe;ZNiy qbsSwcysyex) cso&ock 4 x 15 = 60 Answer any FOUR of the following questions

1.    $    3d0 ?ocyoe3 0>|eSo S'aitioocl.

Analyze the role of the theory of Karma in Predictive Astrology.

2.    zxxvg]gSsSo [obfgNpe3e)So -SiSQotoeS.

Unique features of "Rik-Jyothisha" in detail.

3.    aCSvSnP c&otfoe eSsSasq) [oba3ws3y-S cSoMcSooeS.

What are the uses and utilities of Astrology in Modern Times.

4.    20CilcSD 8gSSa.asq) b)Q[3e |)Soe) o>[3So -SiSQotoeS.

Describe the part played by the Jains in the History of Indian Astrology.

5.    ftSaP6<3be)So ?e)D5S)b)w 5y63 D5bcSwrse)So -SiSQobSviSoo.

Explain the "Shodasa Vargas" in detail and their uses.

6.    iScye)-) eSuyoase) -SafcSiSoors -SiSQotoeS.

Explain the gist of Astrological items in Vedas in detail.

II. C [o<> syS)e G syeovgio [obaPeoZNiy SsSwcysye*) cso&ock 4 x 10 = 40 Answer any FOUR of the following questions

1.    cSootf-Safe) -)&))> 5s>eiDe)So -SQooeS.

*    * OLi O

Explain different methods in Divisions of Yuga.

2.    8gSSa.asq) [obiSciSDe)So rtwQ -SQotoeS.

Explain about the Pravarthakas in Astrology.

3.    sfafo-S    12 205yoo    -)Sa.c5wo)o -SSo-ocl.

What do the twelve bhavas in "Medini Jyothisha" denote, Explain in detail.

4.    5>asel)go egStsoe! fls) S)8a]c3)o))0 oSoocl.

Write about the Westerns Research in Astrology.

5.    20L$Sc& egStiasqS -)NsS)oe .Scs-bdo-) 5>[e$)o oSood.

Explain the role of "Varahamihira" in the development in Astrology.

6.    C llPcifil syQf q&Q-) fivQob) -S&QoiSocl.


Describe any TWO of the following.

f)) NscySso    &)) SocsaPL)

a) Kalidas    b) Parasara

Id) oapg&vClo    cl) Sgesi))

c) Mantreswara    d) Kalyana Varma

oDo.G.    - sSvvdd? q)o)e=L5o : syS> mbLioPeo -    2009


1bm>5 - 2 sgStaasq) (o;>(55-)oNSoase)o PAPER - 2 : Fundamentals of Astrology

qSsSoofoo : 3 rfo&ew    sSwdoew : 100

Time : 3 Hrs.    Marks : 100

I. C [fodb sySSe G sycorf;) olpsy SsSwcysyco cso&ock 4 x 15 = 60 Answer any FOUR of the following questions

1.    80>S)85a3> mbde&ea BSOoslOooiSoa


Give the methods of divisions of Bhavas.

2.    [ripooo& tixtp0 S-S -Sdoooors S))5    syiS aPoeaPoe) Sp0e3ooe)o -hyfioikid.

While detailing the different aspects to the planets, examine their good and bad effects.

3.    [F>oSo:5o SSoiyofioo S&qsQot), aeSJP&ocSS d)oi)o S)d-) -)&6mrs csoSoocL Give the method of constructing the Horoscope vividly from a local almanac.

4.    C [oQ <)cypd3    csbP, SsyoaP, 80Si)(&)ooe))o -SQoiiocl.

<53 :

222ci. 16-).

aP-) :


Sdoeaocio : 45CL14-).

i5o[d :


eood :


daPo"io[c:5o : 12CL29-).

SPos) :

218dl .22-).

"io :



cspo :


aPo[ :


riodo :


ao[d :


In the following example horoscope, prepare the Rasi, Navamsa and Bhava charts.

Sun :

222 deg.16 min.


: 76 deg. 35 min.

Moon :

10 deg. 45 min.


: 241 deg. 51 min.

Mars :

218 deg. 22 min.


: 266 deg. 02 min.

Rahu :

86 deg. 02 min.


: 260 deg. 34 min.

Jupiter :

151 deg.19 min.


: 162 deg. 52 min.

Neptune :

45 deg. 14 min.

Tenth House

: 12 deg. 29 min.


5.    sw<6 qSoSSS=cs3 ydo (S)&)e)o 2opoAq)rs '0-0 (aP>ao')o @8Sw-)ryc5o. @odo

1bL]-)6 G -tidlooooo anPQoiSo?, q)-)q)(:5J:oofs 30dlo8)d5oooo.

People patronise 'rendering of Panchanga' with great attention on a New Year's day. Which contents of the almanac attract them, be expounded in detail.

6.    &)-) FH5(d]e)ofc>gb dlS) Sbfoo SboSwriSbrfo @fcoe)5 Jsw)5 3->eioo qsd1-)a3wr5sSL5{i, i5io0*C| SdoUydoooo q)dic5S)i'5qbo)o6o5b, 8gSd*c3g <)SbJp0oi5o6o. -)<>8oi5ocl.

The Science of Astrology is useful to attain the four kinds of Purushardhas (prime desires) to make good of the human life. Just as a lit-lamp dispels darkness. Analyse.

II. C [fodb syS)e G pcorfo [obaolpcy ?S&pcyyex> cso&ock 4 x 10 = 40 Answer any FOUR of the following questions

1.    L5i))00e)0, >Sboo,

Mention the colours, directions and castes of the planets.

2.    G?aPf]yC5oe    esrtorh o>(ie))o -)agdlNp8q)w, csesidlo, aL5Np SDSqDeioe) rsr5),

3oOCOoO-        Cp    Cp

o)6oo 5)b)o>f Sopors -)'ty8o'u)ocl.

CO    OJ    XjJ    CO D

In the mandane astrology, for a nation, describe the part played by Varsha lagna or Jagellagna in delineating the political and economic affairs, in brief.

3.    (riirooo &NpC53)o r5oQo-) (oyc&ocl.

Write the 'Vargikarana' (Classifications) of planets.

4.    C (o> sy-)e i5owclo63 q)i))Wcyye)o (oyc&ocl.

Answer any THREE of the following.

o)) @c5wyc5ap Ayanamsa a)) o> i5wrye)o Adhika and Kshaya months

?)) ryc5v5 q)oe$=c5i)>oo, -)-)dlwrti)>oo Sayana year and its use cl) godoorip Indu Lagna

5.    80SnP dasSbdeive) -)Sodocl.


Describe the Dasa systems in horoscopy.

6.    !?ocl8c&6~ q)oc&oo rivSoS dlos??) )i)m)d3wr1oo -)8oS)i)<i)oo.

Explain the Sidereal Time and its use.

oDo.G.    qboS=L5o : cyQS> mbLioPeo - sTasC), 2009


1bm>5 - 3 8geta.asqD obw-S&wmbea PAPER - 3 : Predictive Astrology

&&o05oo : 3 rfo&ew    cSwdoew : 100

Time : 3 Hrs.    Marks : 100

-)t525or5cs8;3G3wr5 6SoL5Clo -ScySiSoooSo

rcydesiSoors -tSSo-tSocl.


Explain how a 'Neecha bhanga Rajayoga' is formed and give examples.

2.    Gel [riirtoS&iSiSooaD    Nse)iSooSo SswciSSriei -SiS8o>ocl.

Examine the influences of planets that indicate the time of marriage.

3.    'StfotCfoPeS2 C]sbqSo d-SotCliSoriSH - L5-St5o[C5oo& obibwCbSSeS ]aiSoo e5c5o" --SDC&p[oycijoiSooSo 3aDSS)SCb.

'Sun and moon do not become malifies when they own eighth house' - Write your opinion.

4.    SSoiSoTLiDSa c3wr5iSoooSo DcydesiSoooe] b5w5S)SC5.

Explain Pancha (Five) Mahapurusha yogas with examples.

5.    80$iSoo5 bsyoaP NPvoCl clooNP [oycySge$So 3aDiSoo.

Write the importance of "Navamsa Kundali" in a Horoscope.

.6. [oCb sy-Se "L3oclo63 qSo,oS -SiStfesiSooaD [oyc&oiSoo.

Write brief answers to TWO of the following.

05)    a3b[&5& -So[e$aP[el) [riiriSooaD

Write friends and enimies of Venus among planets

6))    CbrioiSoo - Directional strength

s) &ygor5iSooSSb afoeaPDeiriiSooew

Benefics and Malifics of to the Ascendant of Virgo

cl) r5a3"NPqSL5 alwriiSoo - Gaja kesari yoga

oDo.G.    - s3V)C;$O qboSbetfo : syQNf mbLioPeo - |]8oC), 2009


1bs)>L5 - 4 syDoasSSo _0 _0 /

PAPER - 4 : Vasthu Sastra

q)sSoO5oo : 3 rio&ew    sSwdoew : 100

Time : 3 Hrs.    Marks : 100

3.    (obaPsqbLieyg aPe0ge)So gbQo) -)cyy-S CoafCoocl.

Explain the identification method of 'Salyas' through horary system.

4.    rF>yef aNPx&>W -Scses >afoSv rtwQ CosfCoocl.

Explain the various shapes, constructing directions of the Stair case.

5.    rixlmSSaP -)qyy-) -)&Qox)ocb.

Write a brief note on System of entering the New House.

6.    syqboasryO 63s0-SnP Nesoe -S'lta.obfocl.

O _o J oO sr    co

Analyse the Vastu as a Science.


* * *

I. C [foCb sySSe G ycorf;) [obaPe;ZNiy qbsSwcysyeoD cso&ock 4 x 15 = 60 Answer any FOUR of the following questions

1.    Sbes5-) Adjb&esSoo) SoS "6o<3o csqboe) ssdsPelcSooe))-) ilISm) C cSPooe! Sbes3-) [obcSdcSoo&o [oyOSvod.

Write the characteristics of the two signs owned by Mars and examine how Mars behaves when posited in these signs.

2.    Ssx&eS esrfc6ooeSsb qbobsSo ry&cSoo) SoSoSvdo GOv |rfpd3o3 msDesSooe) -)5oS? -)c68o'fc5ocl.

Take Tourees as Ascendant, and explain the results given by each planet when situated in seventh house.

3.    83>0Nse) das'a!&c6oo6o ilesaqboSTSo &$-) -)c68o) d5aPesSo SsQrisioo |&6oC6oo5o Saf&sPQooS.

How do you find out the balance of Dasa at the time of Birth? Explain how to calculate all Dasas in serial order.

4.    A05oocsa5oC6oo5o SDdooooo 2;)C5eloe)5o cioco63-) ?e)o>sSoo.

q>    so    cp    J

Explain two methods of calculating Longivity (span of life).

5.    30C6$esC6oo5o -)dooooo&e! OSwricSooesNPv g)es (Fycy)).) -)dW,msooS(3.

Examine the importance of yogas in judging (a horoscope) the results of all houses.

6.    80C62sesC6oo5o -)doooo'3c -)cy5c6oo5o -)aPdiNPQo5o5di.


Write the methods of finding the strength of Houses in Horosocpe.


* * *

I. C [NfoCb sySte G syexx3);) [obafeolfsy qb&pcysyex) cso&ock 4 x 15 = 60 Answer any FOUR of the following questions

1.    sy&o DSdOSwtsoSSo SsSQ&w 5eo5*c5 sy&oSS'oe) ffoQo) lo5o8oS)ocl.

_O    _D /    _O    OJ    _D

Explain the uses of Vastu Sastra and Four types of Vastu.

2.    sdSaf ejOW {fxkejo, syS) mSDeyeoSSo SsSQooS.

Write a detailed note on sixteen types of Land faces and results.

3.    5sSsSdo riso cy*cs A05we)So NfO -)cyy-) S)c68oi5o&.

o    oj    o    oL

Explain the Aya calculation through Nava Varga Ganitha.

4.    rix-Scsssoe! oedsS) 80rse)o, syS) eseo)-) qbSsSdors lo5o8oS)ocl.

Explain the main characteristics of Antarbhavana in House construction.

5.    $>) SScsssoe CUyew, sSce) riwQ iNf syqSo [syoSooS.

Write an essay on defects and Vedhas in house building construction.

6.    fixdo SSoor''c) SSc5o5ooeSS -)o5oSSwe)5o SsSSooS.


   _o S9

Explain the principles of Muhurtha for laying foundations.

II. C [NfoCb syS)e G syeovrio [obafeolfsy qbSiwcysyex) cso&ock 4 x 10 = 40 Answer any FOUR of the following questions

1.    sySSo @odf G-)o63? sySSo Sb'odbt)    Sd5)o -SsSSoocl.

O    _D W    qJ _D

What is Vastu? Explain the Vastu Purusha story.

2.    aDw S)L5os -)cyy-) eBSc&afCoocl.

Explain the Soil testing methods.


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You are here: PAPER Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University (PSTU) 2009-1st Year M.A Astrology Jyothisham Annual - Question Paper