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Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University (PSTU) 2008-2nd Year M.A Astrology (Jyothisham) Annual - Question Paper

Monday, 28 January 2013 08:50Web

Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University.
M.A. Astrology (Jyothisham) 2nd Year Annual exam October 2008

Code No.67/91/2-1

$ls&x>qx> itoogb -)aP*-)cyge)o&)o POTTI SREERAMULU TELUGU UNIVERSITY

oDo.G. 8gS&o - "SodS) qboS=L5o : syQNP mbLioPeo - |]8oC), 2008 M.A. JYOTHISHAM SECOND YEAR ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS - OCTOBER, 2008

1b>5 - 1 avr!yC5o - (obaP - f]zr6o PAPER - 1 : Muhurtham - Prashna - Gocharam

?DSSoO5oo : 3 rio&ew    SSwdoew : 100

Time : 3 Hrs.    Marks : 100

I C [NPodb sy)e G syeOvglb [obaPe;ZNPy qbsSwcysyeoD csoSoocl. 4 x 15 = 60 Answer any FOUR of the following questions

1.    >oopycs-) DS S6ope3*o G-b$, -)eg 3-)oe b5 F)e0ri DSbOSyriSbdSoeSooCi?

What is the importance of "Muhurta" (election of auspicious time) and how it is used in the daily life?

2.    rixlmSdS'iP sSoo&Pod SSc5o5o rioQoO giSoSSoOse)*)) -)ts05we)So SsSdors Qoocl.

Discuss in detail important points to be considered in fixing the auspicious time for opening ceremoney of the house and entering a new house.

3.    sS<|ySSL5oe) 80e3s> OoeS&oe! WlsSe)) sSoog0|oase) rioQoO -)sS8o5ocl.

What are the important components that are to be studied for compatibility of horoscopes of boy and girl?

4.    Im) S)8pc6 SbdSee) rioQoO lOlo8Ool)oSSoo.

Explain the different methods of horary astrology.

5.    c6oi80e:Sg IfbaP rioQoO SsSQ&w, -)o 8p[O>o5oSSooC6o [syOloocl.

Discuss about the question with regard to (Nasta Jataka) lost horoscopy in horary astrology and give your opinion about the same.

6.    -3o|cy< cy*c5af csaSoex gtycsmxyo -)doooo?&m)>pdSo, )gsSdo Sbd5e

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c6*oooo2;)2Odloy? ooo>] ciodSo m)C5ee))o SsSdors OQoOocl.

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Does the system of Astakavarga apply when reading the results of planets in transit effective from natal Moon sign? Explain in detail about both Astakavarga and transit from Natal moon.

1.    L5oo [mSaP asqSo d3ooNP -ScySiSoo 3eDo5S)oo.

Explain the system of 'Ramala sastra'.

2.    GygdSaP csaPveDe, aP-S tfoLiveD    SpeD-)~aPtiiSooeDSo [oyd5oocl.

Write the transit results of Saturn and Jupiter in 12 Sings.

3.    c;SwSL5 So$Soe, iSoQd&o lsNpWdoocd cy1c5 -SsSdiweDO G-b63?

In compatability what exactly the planets and sings relates to in both the horoscopes of boy and girl?

4.    aL5wc [oSaP fbL5o-) -SiSC5o5S)iSoo.

Explain the Aarudha system in horary astrology.

5.    @OPqCsC5c52.D    -SiScsoSo 3eDoSS)oo.

Explain the components of auspicious time selection for starting the Education.

6.    [oSaP asqSoe, [SbaP (&SooSo OSrfS givLiciD [oyd5oocl.

Write the method of studying the question chart in horary astrology.

oDo.G. 8gH&o - "SodS) qboS=L5o : syQsP mbLioPeo - |]&)5, 2008 M.A. JYOTHISHAM SECOND YEAR ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS - OCTOBER, 2008

1bm>5 - 2 eyssNPoo &)Qd5jo Fyas'AeSe >C5<B

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PAPER - 2 : Tajakamu and Western Astrology method

qbsSoofoo : 3 rio&ew    sSwdoew : 100

Time : 3 Hrs.    Marks : 100

1.    5>ase$g 5St5Se-D [r5C5xS.oe)So -SiSSoocl.

Describe the aspects of planets in Western system.

2.    iSoeySsNP iSoSrs SiDw -SiSQo-), 5>asg 5St5Se o5do5d -SsDdwoo -SSDors DyC3w -)iSC5ot5oci.

What are the important factors that indicate amicability and adjustment between the couple? What is compatability - Explain.

3.    ty2t5aP &)So -SiSQo-), AtbSSeSgiSoooSo 3e)o3S)iSoo.

Explain about "Dwadasha Vargu" and their Lordships.

4.    t5$ [riNPvoCl-) -)iS8o->    Gc5cf 5xS.oe) [ob&0iS Nse)5S8-)oS-D 3e)o5boci. Explain progressive horoscope? Detail about the effects of the aspects of the planets and its time period.

5.    r>cijoSt)[Np -Desses 5St5S-D rtydesors -SaSSo-ocl.

Explain the method of Cating Sayana horoscope.

6.    5>asA$e SstlSe, ffcydiSooe ribCib-'&Sooo a)oA 5bye)So SbSSors iSQoocl.

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Explain briefly the results of Jupiter and Saturn in their transit in various signs of Western system.

oDo.G. 8gS&o - 30 qboS=L5o : syQNP mbLioPeo - |]&)C), 2008 M.A. JYOTHISHAM SECOND YEAR ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS - OCTOBER, 2008

1b>5 - 3 @to.Npc5o - to.iii\z0oo


PAPER - 3 : Ashtakavargu - Shadbalalu

qbsSoOoo : 3 rfo&ew    sSwdoew : 100

Time : 3 Hrs.    Marks : 100

1.    GNs&5be$ga]c:5S qbw[yoo oSbocl.

Describe the rules meant for single Domination.

2.    jsoaooo ers-btf&NPSo-tSocl.

Describe the various kinds in Temporal strength.

3.    a)bNse) -)L5c&o, >asCoocsCo 5bSS (Sbsstfo CoMCooiboo.

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Describe the Balance Period Time in Longevity Dasa Period Method.

4.    D5b(r57Se) r>c:|Se i5oyoe3cse)o -)i58ot;)ocl.

Explain some other methods to find the Satellites.

5.    oorL5 -bSsCooe @Sb&6L5v G G>ors DSbalwfiSbCloeiDoS] rcydesors -)8ot5oGl.

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Write about the uses of Astakavarga in Auspicious time with an example.

6.    80e$NP5pe) -)L5c&o, Sbotssd qboa)ocye)o Gi58ot;)ocl.

Describe the Horscope readings - Conclusions? Explain about Five Ways Relations.

$Lsbooeoo itoogb -)3f*-)cygeoo&)o POTTI SREERAMULU TELUGU UNIVERSITY

oDo.G.    - "ScxS) qboSbetfo : syS> mbLioPeo - NfsoLi, 2008


1b>5 - 4 qbotpew PAPER - 4 : Samhitas

qbsSoOoo : 3 fio&ew    Sbwdoew : 100

Time : 3 Hrs.    Marks : 100

I C [foCb syS)e G syeovfib (Ib'eolPy qb&pcyjyco csOoocb. 4 x 15 = 60 Answer any FOUR of the following questions

1.    aSoeO, aSoeO ye)]!) inP sygqbo (oyoSooS.

Write an essay about Good and Bad omens.

2.    eoo-aSoljP-aPSS-d-) NPeOfloo Lfrse))o 1bL]6oci.

Write about diseases causes by Mercury, Venus, Saturn and Sun.

3.    Lfpsi, ry*$ SUjjyoef 5o[d5 qboa3wrfo rioQo) cso5ooci.

Describe effects of Moon's conjunction with Swathi and Rohini.

4.    d-), 200#, aPS) cyy|I)$ oooif S)oQo5oo SoacSo, aSb|NSoClo, 5o|d5 d?-v|)wdibl)l oooif GOo $eye)o Brydo.

Results of Sun, Mercury, Saturn become Dhanyathipathi (grains) and Mars, Venus and Moon become Meghadhipathi (Clouds).

5.    of) rysSoo[C!i5S-) 0>ase3| Dc$$ Hbssdo SsSQooS.

Describe Western method of analysing Physiognomy.

6.    5|i|ye)o-sSoor,NPLse)o q)o2ooc;5o f)o8o) [oyofooS.

"Stars and Muhurthas" are co-related - Elaborate.

II. C [o<> syS)e G syeovfio ||)aPeoZNpy qb&pcyyeo) Lso&ock 4 x 10 = 40 Answer any FOUR of the following questions

1. L]tf-)C5Cooe aL]?0S3SSxv CooS [o>iSoogpg3So -SSsLioSock.

Importance of Sixth Bhava and diagnosis - Discuss.

2.    qb35>eD rivLiobD -SsSQobD esaPDsD qSeo>eD -Ssydes givCiciD [sydjood.

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Discuss about dreams and write how to overcome the effects of bad dreams.

3.    oScyLie eDeDyC&eDSo oS&0 gbsrydv.

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How do you locate Water springs in desert areas.

4.    Sbtfco - SS[8dSSoo d3ooNP [oS2JoycD0, SpeDeyoo tfoQobD iNP sygqSsSoo [oyd5ooci.

Write an essay on effects/ results of using Coral and Diamond.

5.    SSaPv rysSoo[&NS-S tfoQobD Lsd5ood.

Write briefly on Animal Palmistry.

6.    L5eyCDV -    tfoL5o> >L50'b5ocl.

Gems and preventing evil effects - Discuss.


* * *

I. C [foS sy)e G syexx*);) [obaPe)l?5y qb&pcyspex) cso&ocS. 4 x 15 = 60 Answer any FOUR of the following questions

1.    eyesg |j>o    Sbd5eSS -DsSQqSw rfay&pdssors iNP 80elNP 5[nsSS [syOSvocl.

Explain with an example the method of casting annual horoscope (Tajaka).

2.    $! SSdW&sse! y83NP O3wrse) [OysSoogg-) SsSQoocl.

Explain the importance of "Tajaka Yogas" in giving predictions.

3.    qS&PSSoooSSrs )-)o? rfay&pdssSSoors yewrfo qb&PSSooe))-) SsSQoocl.

What are Sahamas? Explain any four Sahamas with examples.

4.    sSoooqy SrssSsSw -)sSQo), S'c)a*L5bSS -)doooot;)o -)cyy-) i?!)a5o8ot5oocS.

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Explain what is "Muntha"? Explain in detail the method of deciding the place of Muntha?

5.    Sbo)sS6ol) 2)e)SSo6rss$-)o? -)S8o)ocl.


What is pancha Vargeeya strength? Explain.

6.    0>aselg 8|$& asq)5Soo5o SsSQoow, ryo5o5--)L5o5o5 SbcSeloe) l)cy-) eoSbocS.

Explaining about Western system of Astrology, give the contrast between Sayana and Nirayana systems.


* * *

I. C [fodb sy)e G syeovgio [obaPolpcy qbsSwcysyeoD cso&ocb. 4 x 15 = 60 Answer any FOUR of the following questions

1.    L5-) tiSkSdo 2pe0e)So 3l)o5o8)o5ooSSoo.

eo o r

Write about the Ravi Astakavarga predictions.

2.    )Uy2)e)o, O5o)a)e)o rfay&pdssors -)S)8oS))SSoo.

Explain about Motional Strength and Half - Year's strength with an example.

3.    tsSkSdo $<Eye))>o qSweoors -DsSQqSw rysSoocyOboNP tsNPsSLi) fto8o) -)sS8o2))SSoo.

eoo    (p    o    eon    

Explain about Astakavarga results in detail and write about Sum - Total Astakavarga.

4.    -)m)6e3 cseoobwr) sSoSrs$-)o? 80f)gcP80gCbm)eoe) m)8sSd6o sSe) NPewffo SpDeyew [syobvocb.

What is Reverse (Vipareetha) Raja Yoga? What are effects of exchange of the lords of 9th and 10th?

5.    m)ocyo:5oocso:5oo 3e)om>;)ey A05oocs<o5o -)L5o5o SbCbefoew ffo8o) lo5o8)ob)ocb.

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Write about the Pinda Longevity? Explain various methods for determaining Longevity?

6.    63c5|[T)oqye)e 8g$& l&rKS) ftoSo) SsSSqbw GS3y "Liodbo Dcy&pdssew [syObvocb.

Explain about the Astrology in Medical works with any two examples.


* * *


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You are here: PAPER Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University (PSTU) 2008-2nd Year M.A Astrology (Jyothisham) Annual - Question Paper