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Kerala University 2009-2nd Year M.B.A IDE - -- Advertising and Sales Promotion - Question Paper

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II Year M.B.A. (IDE) Examination, January 2009 Elective-Marketing Stream : ADVERTISING AND SALES PROMOTION

Time : 3 Hours    Max. Marks : 75

PART - A    (5x5=25 Marks)

Write short notes on any five questions. Each question carries 5 marks.

1.    Marketing mix - Command.

2.    Social aspects of advertisement - Explain.

3.    Advertisement copy - Command.

4.    Promotion mix - Explain.

5.    5 ms of Advertising - Explain.

6.    State three ways for a firm to evaluate the success or failure of its public relation efforts.

7.    Explain advertising is paid for, publicity is prayed for.

8.    Differentiate sales promotion orientation and conditions.

PART - B    (3x10=30 Marks)

Answer any three questions. Each question carries 10 marks.

1.    Explain the roles of various medias in advertisement.

2.    State the important aspects of advertisement research.

3.    Explain the sources for implementation of sales promotion campaign.

4.    How could a sales promotion be too successful ?

5.    Explain current trends in advertising management.

Case Study :




Although some web sites that feature short films, animations, and other types of programming have secured advertising sponsorships, many advertisers are holding back support for this form of Web-based content. Marketing analysts report that image-conscious advertisers are quite concerned about being associated with Web content that may be viewed as tasteless by some consumers. The interactive creative director at a major advertising agency sums up the situation succinctly : A tremendous amount of the content is of a bizarre nature. A lot of our advertisers dont want to sponsor that kind of program.

For example, Coca-Cola is Very sensitive about where its trademark is used, says the account director at its main advertising agency for interactive media planning and buying in North America. Coke is a lightning rod for people to call into the consumer hotline and say, How can you associate yourself with this kind of content ? Adds the director of E-business strategy at Nissan North America, If it is edgy and out there, then the upside pales in comparison to the overall risks of the content.

Im not going to make that decision.

Due to the extent of the concern that advertisers have with the content of entertainment web sites (such as film, music and theatre sites) these sites currently generates just

4 percent of all online advertising revenues, according to a recent study prepared for the Internet Advertising Bureau. In contrast, search engines remaining online ad revenues go to sites devoted to technology, business information, news and classified advertising.

Industry analysts state that a major concern among online advertisers is that some online entertainment sites frequently push the boundaries of taste. Thus, Pfizer, the marketer of Viagra, is careful to avoid placing its brand near any content that glamorizes negative social behaviours. These include anything that features a gratuitous amount of violence, sex, nudity or profanity.

Nonetheless, some advertisers seeking a college student audience have accepted online content that would be normally be rejected by advertisers seeking a mass-market audience. One online company that features animations such as The Tardz and Booty Call states that these sites appeal to entertainment, liquor, and apparel

marketers. As the chairman and chief executive of all true networks notes, We have to create content that has credibility to a young, marketing-savvy audience. One of the online companys short web films showed a cow defecating and a pigeon vomiting. I dont think Procter and Gamble is ever going to be an all true sponsor, he adds.

Some sites are so controversial that they attract little advertising revenue. Even though Lil Pimp, a web animation about a nine-year-old street hustler, has own an award from a publication, as well as a growing audience, it generates little advertising revenue. Subway, the fast-food chain, was the major sponsor in 2001. Asked about advertising revenues, the chairman and chief executive officer of the sites developer remarked, Were working on it.

It is expected that many web-based entertainment sites will not last long due to their small audiences and the fact that they are shunned by larger advertisers. As an executive at McCann Erickson, a major advertising agency, puts it, Its hard enough to get advertising to support regular programming that delivers big numbers.

Questions :

1)    How can a marketer coordinate Web-based advertising into an integrated marketing communications program ?

2)    Under what circumstances should an advertiser place advertising in Web sites with questionable taste.

3)    What is the role of a Web entertainment site sponsorship in the hierarchy-of-effects model ?

4)    As the operator of a Web entertainment site, how would you attract more sponsors without giving up your artistic freedom of expression ?


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