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Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University (PSTU) 2010-1st Year M.A jyothisham annual s - ember, - History of Astrology - Question Paper

Monday, 28 January 2013 08:35Web

obtain beneath the ques. paper for M.A. JYOTHISHAM 1st YEAR ANNUAL exams - NOVEMBER, 2010 - History of Astrology. Click on the paper name to Download the previous year M.A.Jyotishyam 2010.

Code No.910/91/1-1


<Do.). e*gSio - SbodSS SoSSe$6o : sp >600 - i6sSoa>!), 2010 M.A. JYOTHISHAM FIRST YEAR ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS - NOVEMBER, 2010

-1 gfg&Zxtg'&j i56[e$ - ((bsoexi PAPER -1 : History of Astrology

6&30&0 :3 rfo&ew    3j*dbg.e : 100

Time : 3 Hrs.    Marks:10Q

I. S3 io6 srS)6 t) srex)rto    cr>o&o&. 4x15 = 60

Answer any FOUR of the following questions

1.    **65&>0c60    gS&o SStforr    tbtr>&>gorr> 3iS0oo<a.

Define the word Science and establish why that word could be used deservedly for Astrology

2.    eSS&j'&ocS)    3&&oxSo&.

Explain the branches in Astrology.

3.    e$dg$fa-l    SdplDood.

Establish the greatness of Aryabhattu-I.

4.    8 DticSon0 &0&08.

2> 23    *J

Write an essay on Bruhajjataka.

5.    8e8oi'y,,<62 &o3Lr>rTOo - ddo3jno&> 3dotio&.

What are the uses and utilities of Astrology in modern times.

6.    daoSo    >]f?ioi5o&.

Analyse the role of theory of KARMA in Astrology

II. St tofi> sp3<5* srerfo (&*e>l5r> cb&r>qr>w> cr>c&o&. . 4 x 10 = 40 Answer any FOUR of the following questions

1.    ri}8o) SoSbod.

Write a short note on Bruhatparasara Hora Sastra.

2.    ep,,;5.db<&) II rte3 sfrodSgo &cx>Q)&x).

Bhaskara II is a great mathematician. Explain.

3.    S)51n,,5o o rb8o) SSoi5o&.

Explain the progressed Horoscope in Western Astrology.

4.    i3o(i5(rfSj,,rao, &j*<5g(rtr,rao <"b8o) Bo&ocl.

Explain Lunar Eclipse and Solar Eclipse.

5.    (obiSoosp 13&> 6gSSi(rfoqr, &>>    >o&&zz) Ibeb eSoSbofl. List out important Jain Astrological Books and Authors.

6.    4s lo&    ~do&o8Z) rt>5o) 36ot5od.

Write short notes on any TWO of the following.

cD)    )) rbdoirtsj'o

a) Phala Deepika    b) The Planet Jupiter

!b) ed'O'SSC*    &) q2cofjoo!$

c) Saravali    d) Ayanamsa

&& aofooex) Sex>rt) 3tf<i;S)cr>gooCi>o POTTI SREERAMULU TELUGU UNIVERSITY

<Do.). 8*&Sao - 3joc5Q c&o&ddo : sr* >bkx) - &&oz>5, 2010 M.A. JYOTHISHAM FIRST YEAR ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS - NOVEMBER, 2010

1b>5 - 2    5 (j5t>s*oex>

PAPER - 2 : Fundamentals of Astrology

&ko&>o :3rfod)ex>    cSj'&g.eo : 100

Time : 3 Hrs.    Marks : 100

I. St (Soft 5T>S)d* ) speorib (6e)5r* &&r,cpi,r,ex) cr>cXi>o&. 4 x 15 = 60 Answer any FOUR of the following questions

1.    6oo*on3j cDtfvtov) Sboeporf (j&aJj'BSPCD 3>ofi.

Define Almanac and explain its uses.

2.    <ff?zr,6ot5* o6ofco a9    >Oot5o<5.

Write Karakatwas of Bhava & Rasi in Mundane Astrology.

3.    90fo;6rf823 rf dpS3rpcc5jo3>6ot5o<3.

Write about different opinions on Ayanamsa.

4.    (o& <5|Aod &oQo) St irtS>Stocle*c5ooex> a5, i&or>otf &oricx>o;to D5ot5o<5.


SoIC5 :

5-02 44'


8-13 34'


rt3<3o :

2-10 16

tf> :



: 3-0252

ifefo :



2-26 33'



Write the statement 8c pada in which the following planets are located and erect the Rasi and Navamsa charts.

Ravi (Sun): 1-2431'    Chanda (Moon): 6-0244'    Kuja (Mars): 8-13 34'

Rahu : 8-2153    Guru (Jupiter): 2-10 16'    Sani (Sat): 6-10 01'

Budha (Mercury): 2-1829' Ketu : 2-2153'    Sukra (Venus): 2-2633'

Karkataka Lagna (Asc.): 3-0252'

5.    <5S, rt><3o* lri&>s*d&B9e>ZD 3>6ot5o<!l.

Wrtte Karakatwas of Ravi. Guru and Sani.


Explain the results given by the planets in exaltation, debilitation, mulatrikona and own houses.    .

& Lo& 53*36 5T>erfb    &Sr*qpspex> cpo&oS. 4x11

Answer anv FOUR of the following questions

vrrpi60 So&oS.

Write Lagnas of different countries in Mundane Astrology.

{BSSsro eSsOdofo <583 a>S Acir-deaS6 3&Qoi>o&.


Explain the procedure of determining Dasa (period) at birth with an example.

qToSoDejfesca' 2!>d&>i6o oDiSot5o&.

Write about the methods of Division of Bhavas.

c9g>o$ dTOTCJ Aobo3j,*noOc6o <3oi>ofl.

Explain the uses of Latitudes and Longitudes.

Write about the planetary aspects.

(So& srdG* 33 '3o<5otf33 35S8oiSo&.

Answer any TWO of the following.

D) o)3L)6S Ephimeris    0) f'Sg s)o Local Mean Time

S 3(dse5o Siderial Time    &) (srao Drekkanam

Do.G.    - *&)C$ o<$6o : spQg Sb6e - &&oa)5, 2010


- 3    &v>6j&S)

"PAPER - 3 : Predictive Astrology-

6s5joc5oo : 3 rfo&>ex>    zbj*(to.x> : 100

Time: 3 Hrs.    Marks: 100

I.    [od>    > sperio    >&J*qyazr><D3 cpo&oS. 4 x 15 = 60

Answer any FOUR of the following questions

1.    o3jV>o<6fT> <3o?    a3rrr>o;6o <fecr,r><3ra    &QoO>o5.

What is Yoga? Explain what are the Pancha Maha Purusha Yogas with examples.

2.    top a$o8o6x> *es>>3;Soo o3fT> 38o,    o&5 orip&x>o& r>tfs-<5g

1)5 s)    &>e$&x>o    (oJ*c&o&.

Explain what are the Kendras (quadrants) and Trikonas (Triangles) in astrology? What are the Yoga Karaikas (Significators) for cancer and capricorn Ascendants and their results.

3.    _| o3x> &dcr>),    6oo(t> SdoooocSdo? )|5sf> o<> &cr,'&,d>oiZ>o&.

How do you judge the shape of characteristics of a person. Give examples of persons form in any two signs.

4.    aToTC> SBC5S5,>(gC3c6o c5o(rtoJorT a)oSQoi$o&.

Explain the significantions of twelve houses (bhavas).

5.    8j*o8&air>tforv> 38o) aoQai air>rfsrtoiT-o&> 3e)od.

What is child mortality (Bala-rishta)? Explain the Balarishta yogas and their nullifications.

6.    3o$*e|8    38o>, O    esodgtfocto 2>6&Si i>6".;So&. Explain the Vimsottari system and method of calculation of Saturn Dasa of Sub-Dasa periods.

oD#>6oS ct>)    i3co)ocl.

Explain the concept of Dasavasthas and the most important aspects contained therin.

)>6eS CP33oajT>rr>e><&> SbSbon D&Qo-cSod.


Explain briefly the peculiar Raja yogas. ar>5SsoqjSojq    Zo<3S) <D>Qot5oA


What rs the method of finding the strength of a House CBhava)?

eono&) 3&Qoi5o&.

What is Neecha Dosha? Explain their nullifications.

RPCwrtD    s,jd&ye<yQ &Sorr [src&ocl.

a    V.    oJ    o o

Explain briefly the characteristics of any four planets.

(0<> 5J1>)C56    5J2>Oi3*)    (oTC&0<il.

Write answers to FOUR of the following.

oD) Zboi5&5ip>(oo Panchaka Rahita )) er>oz)o&x) Tara Bala

b) tioitiwSxo Chandra Bala    d>) So&Q Vimsothari

si) 2j*d&o&> sWDS s*o&>o Indian Standard Time

*    9

cD5) gte$ooo db> Stars serially

<Do.). 8*gS&o - 3bo<!S<S    : sr>8g 36gex> - &3oa)5, 2010


~b>5 - 4 syciDwjQjo PAPER - 4 : Vasthu Sastra

oc5oo : 3 rfo&eo    &Jifog.ex) : 100

Time : 3 Hrs.    Marks: 100

I. a [Soft    > cCP>erfb    c5aJJrsre o*c&o3>. 4 x 15 = 60

Answer any FOUR of the following questions

1.    >6g &rv 3&>? cr>33 &&go&>    o&c6x> cr>3    jspg&oS. Explain the method of testing the bones while selecting a site for house construction.

2.    SP&&bd    3&QO&, #r>egss>&De&> rtr>e BoZboS.

What are the sixteen types of the earth while selecting the house-site.

3.    sSfi3*r.2<&2&o;6& ar&3& rfe> >oa)otf&>o&> rij* (CT-aboiS.

Explain the relationship of astrology and vastu.

4.    33S*id&ej&> rt)Qo) 3erjo<3.    3qr>i66jo6o SeoS.

Explain the blemished and unblemished directions for "he porposed site and the method of testing the soil for construction.

5.    *>33 S&Ooa afSS Vtr5 ijo&>o<3.

Explain the concept of "Vastu Purusha" and how to determine suitable direction for construction.

6.    tfoSba>i6,    o&pdbcslx) ebdSSS) BerjcxS.

What are the symptoms of the Cone (Sankhu) and the method of preparing the same for foundation ceremony.

1.    a5oor6ooo )dcoooii5 &C5S3 isrC&oS.

Write about the method of fixing the auspicious day (Muhurtha) for house-warming (new house entry).

2.    f)r)oa2es>>x,'Se sJe/ssejd&aSooex)    &oaSx>o&>,

3c&sSoaSx>e>i6o i?ex)Sbodl.

Explain the locations suitable for construction of wells and other water storage facilities and conditions for water flow directions.

3.    rirOoEsiSooc?3 oct<3(&d, a$<5 crcex), <5ex)    &<&) (sjc&oS.

Write about the method of fixing main door and other doors and windows while constructing a house.

4.    S)0(S3 oSdratS*    lc&oS.

Explain about the plants or trees which can and can't be planted within the compound of a house.

5.    y'ocx) C3S dscx)

Explain about the location of halls, kitchen, bed rooms and visitors rooms.

6.    4i lfo<> sy&tS* S aSoj*3o<3skr> n &&jcr>iyex> \p*c&>od>.

Write short notes on any THREE of the following.

<D) )) (rraSj'dEao    *>) 1*

Kalasachakra migration to villages    migration to new lands

&) <Srtj55oo 9)    5r,dS35T>

faulty direction of site MayaVasthu    Temple Vasthu


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You are here: PAPER Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University (PSTU) 2010-1st Year M.A jyothisham annual s - ember, - History of Astrology - Question Paper