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Kerala University 2009 M.A Public Personnel Management rketing and Finance nagement - Question Paper

Thursday, 06 June 2013 11:05Web

(Pages : 2)    4668


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Second Semester M.A. Examination, August 2009 PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT PM 2.2.3. : Marketing and Finance Management

(2006 Admns.)

Time : 3 Hours    Max. Marks : 75


Answer any five of the following. All carry equal marks. Answers need not exceed 300 words.

1.    What do you understand by marketing management ? What are the important factors to be performed in the process of marketing ?

2.    What is marketing mix ? What are the basics of market segmentation ?

3.    Explain the concept of consumer behavior. What is the scope for research in consumer behavior ?

4.    Outline the objectives of pricing. Also explain some of the bases of pricing policies.

5.    Briefly explain the aim and scope of finance management.

6.    Write a detailed note on financial leverage and functions.

7.    Explain the various sources of long term and short term finances.

8.    Define marginal costing. Examine the basic characteristics of marginal costing.

(5x6=30 Marks)

Answer any three questions. All carry equal marks. Answers need not exceed 1500 words.

9.    Briefly explain the issues involved in new product development. Mention strategies to overcome them. Illustrate your answer with Indian examples.

10.    Critically analyze sales management as a function of management vis-a-vis evaluating and compensating sales personnel. What are some of the emerging trends in sales management ?

11.    Explain the structure of capital. Outline the major determinants of working capital management.

12.    Explain the different methods used for the analysis and interpretation of financial statements.

13.    Explain why budgetary control is essential for an organization. How is management reporting done for this kind of a control ?    (3x15=45 Marks)


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