Kerala University 2009 B.Pharm Third Year ,, PHARMACOGNOSY – II - Question Paper
Sunday, 02 June 2013 11:35Web
*1748* (Pages : 2) 1748
Reg. No. : ....................................
Name :.........................................
Third Year B.Pharm. Degree Examination, April 2009, PHARMACOGNOSY – II
Time : three Hours Max. Marks : 80
Instructions: 1) ans part – A and part – B on separate ans books.
2) Answer 4 ques. from part – A and 4 ques. from part – B.
3) All ques. carry equal marks.
4) Draw diagrams wherever necessary.
1. Give brief accounts of : (2 ½ × 4=10 Marks)
a) diagnostic macroscopic and microscopic features of Cinchona and Nux vomica.
b) alkaloidal amines.
c) adulterants of ergot.
d) plant bitters.
2. Write briefly on the subsequent : (5×2=10 Marks)
a) Proteolytic enzymes.
b) Ayurvedic formulations.
3. Explain GC and its application in valuation of herbal drugs. 10
4. Write down the chemical constituents, adulterants, uses, and specific chemical
tests for 2 cardio active drugs. (5×2=10 Marks)
5. Give a pharmacognostical account of Senna. 10
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6. Give the macroscopic features of : (2 ½×4=10 Marks)
a) squill b) rhubarb
c) quassia d) chirata
7. Give the chemical tests for : (2 ½×4=10 Marks)
a) areca b) saponins
c) aloes d) tea
8. Write down the botanical source, cultivation, chemical constituents and adulterants
of any 3 saponia containing drugs. 10
9. Write short notes on : (5×2=10 Marks)
a) two indigenous drugs containing tannins.
b) two indigenous drugs used in GIT disorder.
10. discuss the role of medicinal and aromatic plants in national economy. 10
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