Pondicherry University 2008 B.Com International keting - Question Paper
Sunday, 27 January 2013 08:25Web
B.Com. DEGREE exam MAY - 2008.
Fifth Semester
Commerce/Corporate Secretary ship/Co-operative Management/Vocational/Foreign Trade
Time: 3 hours Maximum: 100 marks
part A – (10 X three = 30 marks)
ans ALL ques..
All ques. carry equal mark
1. Define IM?
2. What are the importances of IM policies?
3. Explain the meaning by branding and packing?
4. What is meant by CIF Quotation?
5. What is meant by differential export pricing?
6. State different types of distribution of channels in IM?
7. What criteria you adopt in selection of overseas agents?
8. What do you mean by export marketing plan?
9. What is EXIM policy?
10. Write any four important export assistances?
part B – (5 X six =30 marks)
ans any 5 ques..
Answers should not exceed 250 words.
1. How I differ from domestic marketing?
2. Factors that needs serious construction before selecting a particular market for export?
3. Discuss main factors & aims of Indian export policy?
4. Enumerate different factors – considered – while – designing – product – IM?
5. Factors infusing pricing strategy exportable product of firm?
6. Salient features of India's recent foreign trade policy?
7. How far has ECGC helped exporters obtaining finance?
8. Limits of standardization.
part C—(2 X 20 =40 marks)
ans any 2 ques..
Answers should not exceed 1,500 words.
1. International marketing indispensable in economic development of a developing country. discuss in situation of Indian situation?
2. Discuss different pricing gen quoted in IM?
3. Discuss salient features of Indian export policy?
4. Discuss briefly measures taken by govt. of India to help Indian to increase their exports?
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