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Kerala University 2009 B.A.M.S Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery 2 Swasthavritham,- Question Paper

Saturday, 01 June 2013 03:55Web

1. elaborate the Nadi Visudhi Lakhanas ? 5
2. explain Yoga as applicable to Ayurvedic principles and list out its advantages. 5
3. provide details about Ida, Pingala and Sushumna Nadis. 5
4. elaborate the "Yoga Sidhi Kara Bhavas" ? 5
5. What is "Raja Yoga" ? discuss its limbs. 5
6. Write short notes on : (2 Marks each=10)
1) Prathyaharam.
2) Bhasthrika pranayama.
3) Upavasa Mochana Vidhi.
4) Mud pack.
5) Pada prakshalana.
7. Write Naturopathic treatment methods for diabetics. 5
8. define the method of Drumbath and its clinical benefits. 5
9. Write the clinical application of Upavasa. 5

1. define National Malaria Controle Programme. 5
2. Write the importance and facilities of primary health center. 5
3. Write salient features of Alma-Atta Declaration. 5
4. Write the importance of population control and its measures. 5
5. Write the scope of Mother and Child Health Programme. 5
6. Write the role of Non-Governmental agencies in health care. 5
7. explain role of Ayurvedic systems in health care in India. 5
8. explain different mortality rates. 5
9. Write short notes on : one 0
a) Health education for the public.
b) describe information, data and intelligence.
c) describe vaccination.
d) true attestation of death.
e) Name the various Family Welfare Programme

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