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Periyar University 2005 Hotel Management and Catering science, Food

Sunday, 27 January 2013 11:05Web


(For the candidates admitted from 2004 onwards)

B.Sc. DEGREE EXAMINATIOIN October/November 2005
First Semester
Hotel Management and Catering Science
Food and Beverage Service -I
Time: 3 hours Maximum :100marks

PART A- (10X2=20 marks)
ans all ques.

1. How is Motel various from Hotel?
2. What do you understand by Commercial Catering?
3. Who is Commis debarrasseur?
4. Who is Piccolo?
5. Write the size of the following: a) Half plate b) Full plate
6. What is the use of a ‘slip cloth”?
7. “Café Complet” - discuss
8. Give any 4 examples for fish appetiser
9. What is Tonic Water?
10. What is decaffeinated coffee?

PART—B (5X7=35 marks)
11 a Briefly discuss the career opportunity available in catering industry.
b Write a note on “Railway Catering in India”
12. a What are the qualities needed for a good waiter?
b. Explain the duties and responsibilities of Restaurant manager.
13. a. What points do you observe while selecting linen?
b. How do you store glassware?
14. a. Compile a continental breakfast menu and draw the cover for the identical.
b. Write the features of ‘ A la carte’ and “Table d’hote’ menu
15. a. What points do you observe while making coffee?
b. write the merits and limitations of trolley service.
Part – C (3x10=30)
16. Explain the classification of catering with example
17. How is a luxury restaurant organizer? provide the staffing structure chart..
18. Explain the features of the following: a) Coffee shop b) Cateteria
c) Bar d) Specialty Restaurant e) Night club
19. Compile an ‘a la carte’ menu for Indian restaurant.
20. Explain different styles of food and beverage service with their advantages and disadvantages.

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