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Periyar University 2009 B.B.A -business law-ii - Question Paper

Sunday, 27 January 2013 07:25Web

PART-A (10*2=20)
ans ALL ques.

1) what is meant by limited liability?
2) describe the term statutory company
3) what is memorandum association?
4) what do you understand by the capital clause?
5) describe the term preference shares
6) what is redeemable debentures?
7) discuss the term director
8) what is members voluntary winding up?
9) what do you understand by proxy?
10)define the term liquidator

PART-B (5*4=20)
ans ALL ques.

11)a)enumerate the salient features of a company (or)
b)give a brief note on government companies

12)a)elucidate the important functions of promoters (or)
b)"the objects of a company may be altered"-explain

13)a)state the significant features of "statement in lieu of prospectus" (or)
b)what are the general provisions of allotment of shares?-explain

14)a)elucidate the important object of annual general meeting (or)
b)state the important rights of members of a company

15)a)what are the provisions applicable to a members voluntary winding up? discuss (or)
b)give a brief note on "statement of affairs"

PART-C (5*12=60)
ans ALL ques.

16)a)distinguish ranging from a public company and a private company (or)
b)state the important advantages of forming a company

17)a)what are the important clauses of memorandum of association?explain (or)
b)state the important distinction ranging from articles of association and memorandum of association?

18)a)what are the important particulars contain in a share certificate?explain (or)
b)enumerate the important contents of prospectus of a company

19)a)what are the powers of directors of a company?explain (or)
b)elucidate the significant features of ordinary resolutions

20)a)"winding up of a company under the order of a court is also known as compulsary winding up"-explain (or)
b)what are the important powers of liquidator? explain

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