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Cochin University of Science and Techology (CUST) 2005 B.Tech Electronics and Communications Engineering VLSI System Design ( ) - Question Paper

Monday, 27 May 2013 04:55Web

VLSI System Design (May 2005)

1a. Derive an expression for the V-I relationship in a pn-junction
b. discuss the properties of GaAs
2a. discuss the meaning of the unit Cg.
b. Derive an expression for the trans conductance of an nMOS transistor in terms of transistor parameters
3a. Draw the CMOS inverter transfer characteristics and analytically discuss the different regions of operation
4a. discuss how CMOS transfer characteristics change with beta ratio
b. elaborate the issues associated with while driving large capacitive loads by CMOS inverter? How these issues can be remedied?
5a. Compare CMOS and NMOS IC technologies
b. discuss the process sequence for Bi CMOS process
6a. discuss the applications of ion implantation
b. With neat sketches, discuss the ion implantation equipment
7a. Write a note on lambda based design rules for nMOS
b. Draw the stick diagram and layout for a nMOS shift register cell
8a. discuss the effects of scaling length, width and supply voltage in a MOS circuit
b. elaborate the features of CMOS domino logic
9a. List any 2 differences ranging from combinational and sequential circuits. provide example for every
b. discuss a CMOS pseudo static memory cell. Draw the stick diagram
10a.Explain any 2 issues in VLSI fabrication for small lambda
b. discuss the CAD tools for capture and simulation in VLSI design

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