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Periyar University 2007 B.C.A Computer Application Visual Programming - Question Paper

Sunday, 27 January 2013 05:05Web

s.No.940 BUP/BZE

B.C.A/B.Sc (Information Science) Degree
Examination,April/May 2007

Third/Fifth Semester

Time:Three hours Maximum:100 Marks

Part A [2*10=20]

1. provide any 2 kinds of Visual Basic Editions.

2. Expand API.

3. What is the use of DIM statement?

4. What is the Array() function returns,if we don't specify the arguments?

5. Expand DAQ & ADO.

6.What is the use of datacontrol?

7. What is Record set?

8.Expand DSN & ODBC.

9.How we can add a picture box to a form?

10. Where the Active X controls can appear?

Part B [4*5=20]

11. (a) discuss Forms and Codes.


(b) Differentiate ranging from tag and text book.

12.(a) Write shortnote about Random Access File.


(b) Write shortnote on any 2 control statements.

13.(a) Write note on working with multiple files.


(b) discuss briefly about subroutines.

14. (a) discuss about DAO control.


(b) discuss in brief about ADO control.

15. (a) What is Active X control?Explain.


(b) discuss about data reports.

Part C

16.(a) discuss in detail about overview of VB.


(b) Write the steps for creating an application in VB with eg.

17.(a) discuss in detail about working with files.


(b) Axplain about looping statement with eg.

18.(a) discuss in detail about data bases.


(b) discuss in detail about Menus & MDI applications.

19.(a) discuss about additional controls in VB.


(b) Write a program for adding,deleting and modifying records to databases and discuss it.

20.(a) Write the procedure for creating data reports.


(b) discuss ODBC concept with eg.

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