Cochin University of Science and Techology (CUST) 2000 B.Tech Civil Engineering Basic Mechanical Engineering1998 - Question Paper
Code No. BTS 047b
B.Tech Degree (F.T) I semester examination in Civu Engineering (Habitat Engineering and construction management) March 1998-
Sub: CE 104 Basic Mechanical Engineering.
Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks 100
Answer any one full question from each module
a. Explain Clausius and Kelvin-Plank statements of Second law of thermodynamics. Show that both statements are equivalent 12 Marks
b. A tank contains N2 at a pressure of 0.6 MPa and 40C. A leak occurs in the tank which is not detected until the pressure falls to 0.4 MPa at which time the temperature is 25C. Find the mass of N2 that leaks out if the original mass was 40 kg.
8 Marks
a By means of a p-v diagram,* explain the Otto cycle. How the theoretical cycle differ from an actual cycle 10 Marks
b A diesel engine working on a four stroke diesel cycle has compression ratio of 10 and 25% cut off. Estimate the air standard efficiency of the cycle. 10 Marks
a Explain the working of four stroke petrol engine. 10 Marks
b Explain the working of diaphragm pump used in a petrol engine 10 Marks
Draw a neat sketch of a diesel injector. Explain its working 20 Marks
a Explain the working of a simple reaction turbine. 10 Marks
b Explain how air temperature and humidity is controlled in air conditioning
10 Marks
Draw a neat sketch of a vapour absorption type refrigeration system. Explain its working. 20 Marks
Module -4
a Explain Thermit welding 10 Marks
b Explain Electro plating 10 Marks
a What are the different methods of galvanising - Explain 10 Marks
b Explain chemical milling. What is etch factor associated with chemical milling.
10 Marks
Module -5
a Derive an expression for the ratio of belt tensions in a simple belt drive.
10 Marks
b A rope drive is required to transmit 230 kW from a pulley of 1 m diameter running at 450 rpm. the safe pull in each rope is 800 N. The angle of lap and groove are 160 and 45 respectively. If \l = 0.3 find the number of ropes required. 10 Marks
Sketch and explain the general lay out of a thermal power plant bringing out clearly the function of each unit in the plant. 20 Marks

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