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Pandit Ravishankar Shukla University 2008 B.Sc Computer Science Pandit ravishankar university's of (Hardware) for BScPart-II - Question Paper

Sunday, 27 January 2013 03:30Web

B. Sc. (Part-II) EXAMINATION, 2008
Paper First
(Computer Science)

Time : 3 Hours] [ Maximum marks: 50

Note: Every unit contains 1 ques.. Attempt 2 parts out of 3 in every ques.. All parts carry equal marks. Examinee must illustrate their points by figures, diagrams etc.


1. (a) discuss the terms hardware, software and firmware.

(b) Distinguish ranging from a dumb, smart and intelligent terminals.

(c) Distinguish ranging from control flow and data flow computers.


2. (a) Enumerate what operations are mostly performed by an ALU.

(b) discuss the necessity of Flag register in a microprocessor. elaborate normally given flags in a microprocessor ?

(c) discuss the terms instruction cycles, machine cycles and T status of timing by a microprocessor.


3. (a) What is a function of cache memory ? Show the memory hierarchy with and without cache memory and discuss briefly.

(b) explain real and virtual memory. discuss the term swapping. elaborate meant by the Logical Address and Physical address ?

(c) explain the role of a Memory Management Unit (MMU). Show how it generates more the logical memory addresses that the truly existing physical addresses.


4. (a) elaborate various kinds of printers ? What is the difference ranging from impact kind and non-impact kind of printers ?

(b) explain the function of a mouse, light pen and joystick.

(c) elaborate different schemes used for data transfer ranging from 2 devices of a computer ? explain asynchronous data transfer with suitable examples.


5. (a) What do you understand by Machine Level (ML), Assembly Level (AL) and Higher Level (HL) languages ? discuss with suitable examples.

(b) Draw a flowchart to print the largest number in a provided array of members.

(c) discuss the terms system software, operating system and utility program.

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You are here: PAPER Pandit Ravishankar Shukla University 2008 B.Sc Computer Science Pandit ravishankar university's of (Hardware) for BScPart-II - Question Paper