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National Law School of Indian University (NLSIU) 2008 COMMON LAW ADMISSION TEST (CLAT) - , , ngalore - Question Paper

Sunday, 27 January 2013 12:50Web
(b) Lincoln and Socrates are talking differently
(c) Actually, Socrates scores over Lincoln on this problem
(d) Rulers can be honest

172. According to the above passage, which 1 of the subsequent correctly differentiates Lincoln's and Socrates' analyses?
(a) the nature of democracy (b) merits and demerits of politicians
(c) qualities of election (d) difference in mind set of respective men

173. Many environmentalists either adopt double standard or do not know what they are talking about. A protagonist of environment, for obvious reasons, ought not to bat for any kind of progress because progress without meddling with nature is a myth. But none can live without scientific and technological advance which has singularly made progress possible. Furthermore, environment includes not just forest wealth and hills, but animal wealth also. An honest environmentalist is obliged to address the subsequent ques.. First, should man in the interest of hygiene, kill any residing being be it an insect purported to be harmful or stray dogs? After all, this world does not belong to man alone.
Which 1 of the subsequent runs counter to the spirit of the passage?
(a) In the interest of health and cleanliness, our surroundings must be from disease-spreading bacteria
(b) Non-violence as a moral principle extends to all residing creatures
(c) Vegetarian food is ideal to all men
(d) Man should protect his environment because he has to live

174. Does our society need reservation in job? Before we defend reservation, we must consider a few problems. Why do we need reservation? Obviously, reservation is needed to lift the downtrodden and thereby achieve equality. How do you achieve this? Every individual, without exception, has a right to receive quality education. It is more so in the case of downtrodden people. Only a good-natured meritorious teacher can impart quality education. Suppose that a person who is neither good natured nor meritorious becomes a teacher thanks to reservation system. Then generations of students suffer.
Suppose that there is a few merit in this argument. Then which of the subsequent aptly defines the fall-out of this argument?
(a) Reservation is individual - centric, but not group - centric
(b) Reservation, in at lowest 1 field, is self-defeating
(c) The argument is biased
(d) Education is not needed to uplift the downtrodden

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