Rajasthan Technical University 2007 B.C.A Computer Application Financial and keting management - Question Paper
Friday, 24 May 2013 10:15Web
Bachelor of computer applications (part II)
Examination, 2007
Paper 211
Q1. explain the objectives of Financial Management?
Q2. What is the significance of pricing? discuss different cost based and demand based pricing methods.
Q3. What is brand? What is its significance in marketing? discuss main task in managing brand.
Q4. explain the trend of marketing organization. elaborate the fundamentals of marketing organization?
Q5. The subsequent is the Balance sheet of CIMMCO Ltd.
CIMMCO Ltd (as on 31st March, 2007)
Liabilities Amount (Rs.) Assets Amount (Rs.)
Paid up capital 1, 00,000 Fixed assets (net) 2, 20,000
Reserve and Surplus 50, 000 Cash at bank 20,000
Debentures 1, 00,000 Stock 80,000
Term Loan 50,000 Debtors 30,000
Creditors 30,000
Bills payable 20,000
3, 50,000 3, 50,000
Ascertain the subsequent ratios:
(i) Current Ratio (ii) Quick Ratio (iii) Debt Equity Ratio
(iv) Proprietary Ratio (v) Solvency Ratio
Q6. The subsequent Comparative balance Sheets of Abhishek Ltd. Are given:
Liabilities Amount (Rs.)
(31-3-06) (31-3-07)
Capital 40,000 50,000
P&L A/c 2,000 4,600
Bills Payable 14,000 9,000
56,000 63,600
Assets Amount (Rs.)
(31-3-07) (31-3-07)
Land 11,000 13,200
Bills Receivables 23,000 23,000
Stock 16,000 18,000
Cash 6,000 9,400
56,000 63,600
You are needed to prepare a schedule of change in Working Capital and Funds flow Statement for the year ended 31st March, 2007.
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