Rajasthan Technical University 2009 B.C.A Computer Application University of Rajasthan part-II (Database management system) - Question Paper
Friday, 24 May 2013 09:35Web
Bachelor of computer applications (part II)
Examination, 2009
Paper 214
Q1. (a) elaborate various levels of database architecture? define conceptual level in detail.
(b) What is IMS hierarchy? Write note on Data and info.
Q2. (a) elaborate the fnctions performed by D.B.A.?
(b) elaborate object oriented databases? Write a note on entity relationhip diagrams.
Q3. (a) elaborate various normalization forms? Mention the applications of it.
(a) describe schema and subschema. explain the concept of Relational Algebra.
Q4. (a) What is database query language? Mention few query language commands?
(b) elaborate nested queries? Write a note on Aggregate functions.
Q5. (a) describe Encryption and Decription. How are security of database maintained?
(b) elaborate functional dependencies? Write a note on Access control.
Q6. Write short notes on the subsequent :
(a) Client/Server Technology
(b) Generalization
(c) SQL function
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