Rajasthan Technical University 2008 B.B.A HUMAN RESOURSE MANAGEMENT - Question Paper
Friday, 24 May 2013 09:10Web
Roll No_______ Total no of Pages:3
BBA -302
BBA –IIIRD Semester (2096)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks:75
Note: Part A consists of Fifteen (15) ques. and is compulsory. Attempt any 9 (9) ques. from part B.
1. What is the need of human resource management?
2. What is the difference ranging from human resource management and human resource development?
3. Discuss the qualities of a personnel manager?
4. What are the objectives of manpower planning?
5. What is campus recruitment?
6. What do you mean by job compensation?
7. What are the objectives of induction?
8. What are the purposes of transfer?
9. What is Training?
10. What is performance evaluation?
11. Define Career Managemnt?
12. What is Quality Circle?
13. What is morale of employees?
14. What is job satisfaction?
15. Give suggestions for making manpower planning effective?
Part B
1. Describe the scope of human resource management?
2. What steps can be taken by an organization to make performance appraisal effective?
3. Explain the selection process?
4. What are the essentials of a sound promotion policy?
5. Explain the stages o career development?
6. What are the objectives of fringe benefits?
7. Discuss the issues in performance appraisal?
8. Is there any relationship ranging from moral and productivity?
9. What steps should be taken in handling the grievance?
10. What steps are necessary to maintain effective discipline in the organization?
11. What is the importance of quality circles?
12. Explain the scope of quality of work life?
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