Biju Patnaik University of Technology 2008-8th Sem B.Pharm Pharmacy Practice - Question Paper
Eighth Semester Examination - 2008
PH.E.11Time: 3 Hours
Answer Question No. 1 which is compulsory and any five from the rest.
The figures in the right-hand margin indicate marks.
1. Answer the following questions : 2*10
(a) Define essential drugs.
(b) What do you mean by cost plus pricing ?
(c) Give four reasons for self medication.
(d) Give a list of four antibiotics (brand names) used irrationally.
(e) Write the objectives of Drug and Therapeutics Committees.
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(f) Define Pharmacoeconomics.
(g) When the essential drug list was brought in India ?
(h) What do you mean by generic drugs ? L united we stand... what do you mean by Drug Utilisation
Study ?
(j) Give a list of four sedatives (brand names) used irrationally.
2. What do you mean by rational use of drugs ? Discuss the different strategies to improve rational use of drugs. 10
3. Discuss on different data needed for developing and monitoring Public Health Policies. 10
4. What do you mean by cost of a drug ? Discuss the different methods of cost analysis. 3+7
5. Write the criteria for selection of essential drugs and their pharmaceutical dosage forms. Discuss the different tasks after formation of essential drug list. 4+6
6. Discuss the different tools used to identify the drug use problems. 10
7. Write notes on : 5x2
(a) Model list of essential drugs
(b) Guidelines for establishing a National
Programme for essential drugs.
(a) Complexity of the issue of rational use of drugs
(b) Decision making in drug therapy.
PH. E.11 4 -C
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