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Vinayaka Missions University 2008 M.Sc Information and Communication Technology PTERIDOPHYTES, GYMNOSPERMS PALEOBOTANY: t : Correspondence - Question Paper

Wednesday, 22 May 2013 03:00Web

COURSE CODE - 2030305
PG DEGREE exam – SEP 2008
(For Candidate Admitted from Calendar 2007 Onwards)
Time: three Hours Max.Marks:75
part - A
ans all the Questions: 15 X one = 15
1. What is pteidophytus? provide 1 example
2. What is alteration of generation write three line?
3. Draw diagram of Rhynia?
4. Write few words about the Isoetes?
5. Write the economic value of ferns?
6. What is apogamic in – preridophyter?
7. What is – Apospory in – preridophyter?
8. elaborate gymnospevums?
9. Drown morphdogical diagram of commiserates?
10. What is the economic use if commiserates?
11. elaborate fossils? provide 1 example?
12. elaborate - MOLDS in paleobotarny?
13. What is a coal ball in paleobotarny?
14. What is geological tine scale?
15. What is Radio carbon dating?
part - B
ans any 5 Questions: five X six = 30
16. a. Write briefly the life cycle paltevn, colonization, Terrestrial
environment of preridophyter?
b.Explain the morphology, anatomy, reproduction of
phylogeny of psilotales psilotum
17. a. Write stellar solution in fens?
b. define the structure of sari and portholes structure in
18. a. Briefly discuss the classification and general characteristic
features of gymnospevums?
b. Anatomy – stem reproductive organs of – cucadales?
19. a. Write short notes on
a. Ginkgo
b. Taxes – Taxies – Ginkoales
b. discuss briefly the order culwitchiales?
20. a. Write the economic importance of gymnosperms?
b. Write short notes on fossil and fossilization?
part - C
ans any 2 Questions: two X 15 = 30
21. Briefly discuss the saluinia of salviniaceac
22. define the conifers pinus belong to the order coniferales with
23. Write short notes on
a. Fossils
b. Compress on casts and MOLDS
c. Petrifactions
d. Impressions
e. Coal Baths
24. Discus the subsequent points
a. Geological time scale
b. Eva
c. Period
d. Epoch
e. Radio carbon dating
25. Write short notes on
a. Rhynia
b. Lepieo Dendron
c. Calamites
d. William Sonia

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