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Vinayaka Missions University 2012 B.A Library Science 1020704 library cataloguing theory - Question Paper

Wednesday, 22 May 2013 04:20Web

COURSE CODE - 1020704

UG DEGREE exam - FEB 2012



(For candidates admitted from Calendar 2007 Onwards)

Time: three Hours Max. Marks: 75


ans All the Questions: 10 X two = 20

1. Write short notes on ISBN.

2. Write short notes on unit card system?

3. describe sears list subject heading.

4. List out the important structure of SIL.

5. elaborate the features of classified catalogue code?

6. describe chain indexing?

7. What is meant by bibliographical service?

8. elaborate the main features of CIP?

9. Write the 4 canon laws of cataloguing?

10. describe – Documentation service.


ans All the Questions: 5 X five = 25

11. a. discuss the need and purpose of library cataloguing.


b. explain the merit and demerits of different physical forms of a cataloguing.
12. a. discuss the steps involved in PRECIS.


b. Enumerate the cannons of cataloguing .Discuss "canon of recall value".
13. a. write an essay on POPSI.


b. Trace the historical development of catalogue code.

14. a. discuss the methodology of chain indexing with the example?


b. elaborate all the laws of canon cataloguing? discuss.

15. a. elaborate the steps involved in documentation services?


b. Write a note on INSDOC? discuss.


ans any 2 Questions: 2 X 15 = 30

16. discuss the difference ranging from pre- co-ordinate and post co- ordinate indexing.
17. What is meant by inner forms of library catalogue? explain the features and kinds of such catalogues
18. Trace the development of the library catalogue codes during the

20th century.

19. explain the statement and discuss how a library catalogue is various from a bibliography
20. discuss the features and function of MARC.

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