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NMIMS University 2009 B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering Theoritical Computer science - Question Paper

Saturday, 26 January 2013 06:00Web


U lvch Programme (COMP) HI Year Trimester VII 200910

Subjwt: Theoretical (ornputcr Sckna Otf -\0

Max.Marks: 10U Time Allowed: 3 Hrs

a. &o 0<2

Imuuc lions:

1)    (Question No 1 is conipui.voi).

2)    Attempt any four question** fiom fiie remaining questions.

1 (j) Design the DFA for ihc lingiiaee.conlains strings in which leftmost Svmboln tlilfcr from rightmost symbol. is given (0, 1}



(h) Design a i.\ I which will rwiognize strings containing number of *0's and i s

>.(.]) t'omjwre and conttasl Moore and Mcalv mavlunc Design a    (10)

machine to convcrt each occurrmcc of ib*hin abb by nba. {fl. b} tb) Convert the followmu grammar in rhomsky normal form.    (10)


[* i *    A

laDa Nit

u) UVile .i inugiam to uan&lau .t uvular expression to limit automata.    \ luj

<b) (onMtuvi . NT A for t}u' uvular expression 0] * * J and concert it to DFA. (10)

4.    i'a) Prow thai it i undecidjblc whether a context free grammar is 3mbiguou&. (luj ib) Design a grammar for accepting an Kvcn Palindrome over {a,b}.    (10)

5.    ta) Design j lunngmuliuictoiomputcn!    (10) ib) FxpJam ONF wifb -suitable example (10)

6 t>) State and prow pumping Icmm.i for context free languages.    (10)

*b> Pcsign a IM>M"or lh language l.-Jwcw'' we (&,b )    (lOv

iVnk >hoif note >m loUovvmu iam iour):*    <-0)

(a)Hjiltng pn'btcm

(bipost corresponding problem

(c)l'n\%TH4l rxi

\jnbtgucu* i*rammar (i i \htun-Ntf\k*


It WxU I'nmramnu' (I'OMI*) 111 \ ear Irfm.Mrr V|| >> HI

Mihject: fhtHHTticjiK'oipulT Nd*mv    Max. Marks: 10(1

IW Q$ . | O - QH    n,,M* Allowed: J Hrs.

-f - p>'0

1) Uolu'i) N' I is oiui|tuKi i t    |

umi* fumi thqn

1) <J

.*) Aik'nttx .m' ftmr    lnm tttrtMnitining {(iii'Htttwy

I n) rV.Mjm iln l>l A I*>t tin-    airing* in which IcOmoxt    (10)

SmmK'I' thtlVi from    vmK>f j jiivm (0, 1}.

ti*) IVsigii * IM wiiuif wiU Uv.>|jn.\    umUiiiingiiuniKrof*0h    (10)

oittf 1 V    I

i omiwiiw .uuUiWijM MtH< titJ \Uh iii.kIuiw. IKMgii j    (10)

ni.n*hfrk* l. otnvcvt eteh iHwimcncv il Mthitfini* nhh hv nha. V {a, bf.

ftO Cmvii ihc MK*hhw iH.imnwr in (jhoimkv mmnU lonn,    (10>

. S-MuU    ;

A-frjAh . i

v    > *

ir-fa) Ante .) pnj.uii u> uai\*UIc a kuUi c\imvsh>u to timtc <tuiomaU.    (j(J)

-<b)    .i NT \ (* the ivjttLir    0! * 1 itrul conwrt if fo 1)1* A. (jfjj

4.    u) IVovc ihat if uinlccuUMc whclhci ,i omtcxt Irvc yunmuir is ambiguous. ()uj <H) IVsijm a    It* .Kvvpitn? m Javh    vvvi l#,W.    (J

5.    M) IX'sign J unit*!    to. ompun lit    (

ih) Fvpl.nn (M- *vh uniaMe example (|q

'* fa) State ml ptmr pumping I cinnu lm onu*\t Itvc Uniugcs    (lj

Ml*) lVftign \*P l\i rttc l.wuagc \ - \\Svw1 : wr {a> |* J    (

tVtitc sImmI nou-<hi MUmtug uin <**)    (.\)


piohL m



Myhill-NuV" ilknflvni

B.Tech (C.Sc ) III Yr Trimester VU , 200S-2009

SyKM'1* NMIMS *fkl > ti

Subjrct: Theoretical Computer Science Date : 01/10/08


Time :3brs lO DO - rOOftr* Isstruciions : Candidates should read carefully the instructions printed on the question paper and on the cover of the Answer Rook, which is provided for their use.

NB :

1.    Question No. I is compulsory.

2.    Out of remaining questions, attempt any four questions.

3.    In all five questions to he attempted.

4.    Answer to cach new question to be started on a fresh page.

5.    Kiguru in brackets indicate full marks.

QI. a) t- if id R.I-. over V { 0, I }

i) Sel of all string* containing two cvnaccutivc 0 s.

iii Set of all strinas starting with ' I' and ending with "0 iiy .->1 ui all    Dial s.Un aiiu end iUi Jilliu >h

iv)    Set of ull strings that have 3fd symbol from last as * I'.

v)    Sel of all strings that have exactly three 0s.

b) Find CK over {*bj    (10)

i)    Strings starting with 'a' and ending with 'b'.

ii)    Strings starting and ending with different letter.

iii)    Strings containing atteast two as.

iv)    L - {{ ab* } U { a"b2*} 1 m,n> 1 }

v)    L*(a,b,ckjj'! i+k, k > I)

Q2. a) Design Moore and Mealy machine to convert each occurance of    (101

1000 to 1001 over = (0,1 }

h) Define CNF. Kxpicss the CFG in CNF    (10)

S *> aSba | bSa | aa | a | b | bb

Q3 a) Construct PDA accepting    (10)

I. |WfW* We|tb|*,WR Reverse ofW }

b) Us. ng Pumpmg lemroa prove that the given language is not regular.    (10)

i)    1 (ab**1 !n>0 )

ii)    L tn >s I |


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