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Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) 2007 B.E DATA WAREHOUSING AND MINING - Question Paper

Tuesday, 15 January 2013 02:10Web


1. Write down the applications of data warehousing.
2. When is data mart appropriate?
3. What is concept hierarchy? provide an example.
4. elaborate the different forms of data preprocessing?
5. Write the 2 measures of Association Rule.
6. describe conditional trend base.
7. List out the major strength of decision tree method.
8. Distinguish ranging from classification and clustering.
9. describe a spatial database.
10. list out any 2 different commercial data mining tools.

11.(a) (i) With a neat sketch discuss the architecture of a data warehouse
(ii) explain the typical OLAP operations with an example.
(b) (i) explain how calculations can be performed efficiently on data cubes.
(ii) Write short notes on data warehouse meta data.

12.(a) (i) discuss different methods of data cleaning in detail.
(ii) provide an account on data mining Query language.
(b) How is Attribute-Oriented Induction implemented? discuss in detail.

13. (a) Write and discuss the algorithm for mining frequent item sets without candidate generation. provide relevant example.
(b) explain the approaches for mining multi level association rules from the transactional databases. provide relevant example.

14. (a) (i) discuss the algorithm for constructing a decision tree from training samples.
(ii) discuss Bayes theorem.
(b)Explain the subsequent clustering methods in detail:
(ii) CURE

15.(a) (i) What is a multimedia database? discuss the methods of mining multimedia database?

(b) (i) explain the social impacts of data mining.
(ii) explain spatial data mining.

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