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University of Delhi 2011 M.A Arabic - ii - vii (b) history of islam - Question Paper

Tuesday, 21 May 2013 11:10Web

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This question paper contains 2 printed pages]


M.A.AI    A


(History of Islam)

Time : 3 Hours    Maximum Marks : 75

(XVrile your Roll So. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper.) Note: Unless otherwise required in a question, answers may be written either in English or Arabic or Hindi or Urdu; but the same medium should be used throughout the paper. Answer any Five questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

1.    Elucidate the migration of Habsha, with reference to the speech delivered by Jafar-al-Tayyar.

2.    Discuss in detail the Ghazwa-e-Badr and its effects on promulgation of Faith.

3.    Write a detailed account of the life of the Prophet Muhammad at Madina.

4.    What was the Caliph Abu Bakars stand against apostates from Islam (al-Murtaddeen).

5.    Di>eu * in ijt . ii! event.- the



6.    Give :tn acc>iit of the role jf Abdul Vlaltk bin    ai in the re-est'ifyiishniAnt of the I mayvd rule und his contribution td the welfare of the State.

7.    Why 'I mar bill Abd al-A/iz is known as the I mar ai~ Thani

8.    Give an arcuuntifjjf roajur Arab txpedition* dunnu I may) ;i<1 penod.

9.    Write short introductory notes on any *.f tht* following :

(i)    Ghazw a -easida

(ii)    I. thman-etGham

{iii) Farewell pilgrimage of the Prophet (iv) Mu'awiya bin Abi Sufyan

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