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Mohan Lal Sukhadia University (MLSU) 2001 Operating System

Saturday, 26 January 2013 04:20Web

Third Year exam of the
Three -Year Degree Course, 2001
(Faculty of Science)
(Operating System & Fundamentals of 'C' Programming)

Time : three Hours Maximum Marks :50

Attempt 5 ques. in all.
selecting at lowest 1 ques. from every unit ,
All ques. carry equal marks.

1. (a) What do you understand by Software? provide the classification of Software.
(b) Draw a block diagram of the phases of a compiler and indicate main function of every phase.

2. (a) discuss contiguous allocation method.
(b) elaborate the major activities of an operating system in situation to the file management?

3. (a) elaborate the main advantages of multiprogramming
(b) discuss the features of UNIX Operating System.

4. (a) explain the evolution of MS-DOS
(b) Distinguish ranging from external and internal commands.
(c) define how MS-DOS hierarchical file system is organized.

5. (a) explain that 'C' is relatively a low level lanugage.
(b) explain the main features of the 'C' programming language.

6.(a) Givne a five digit integer. Write a 'C' program to print it in reverse order (for example provided 92345 the outcome should be 54329).

(b) Write function to add, subtract, multiply and divide the 2 complex number (x+iy) and (a+ib).


7. Write a function to validate the elements of a matrix of size n x n. The validation rules are :
(i) All diagonal entries should be positive.
(ii) The matrix should be symmetric
(iii) All the non-diagonal elements should be negative or zero.

8. Write a recursive function in 'C' to obtain Greatest Common Division (GCD) of 2 positive integers and hence discuss the process of recursion.


9. Write function in 'C' to retrieve a record with specified key using files.

10. Create a structure to store employee's data with the subsequent information:-

Employees No, Employees name, employee pay, date of joining (which is itself a structure)
It is decided to increase the pay as per the subsequent rules :-

pay<=Rs. 2,000 15% increase
pay>=Rs. 5,000 but >2,000 10% increase
pay>5,000 no increase

Write 'C' program to print details of employees who have completed 20 years of service.

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