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University of Delhi 2008 B.Com II English -Stream A - Question Paper

Monday, 20 May 2013 06:55Web
(c) Why must Winston use the archaic pen and paper
instead of the easier to use speak write ?
(d) What date is it ?
(e) elaborate Winston's thoughts about the future ?

5. Make a precis of the subsequent passage. Also give an apt tItle:
When the fog clears to where I can see, I'm sitting in
the day room. They didn't take me to the Shock Shop
this time. one remember they took me out of the shaving
room and locked me in SeclUSIOn.
I got breakfast or not. Probably not. I can call to mind
a few mornings locked in Seclusion the black boys keep bringing seconds of everything-supposed to be for me, ~ut they eat it instead-till all'three of them get br~akfast while I lie there on that peestinking mattress, watching
them wipe up egg' with toast. I can . smell the grease
and hear them chew the toast. Other mornings they bring me cold mush and force-me to eat it wliliout It even
being salted.
This morning I plain don't remember. They got enough of those things they call pills down me so I don't know a thing till I hear the ward door open. That ward door
opening means it's at lowest 8 o'clock, means there's
been may be an hour and a half, I ,was out cold in that Seclusion Room when. the technicians could of ,come in I hear noise at the ward door, off up the hall out of my sight. 'That ward door begins opening at 8 and opens and closes and thousand times a day, kashash, click
Every morning, we sit lined up on every side of the day
room, mixing jigsaw puzzles after breakfast, listen for
a key to hit the lock, and wait to see what's coming
in. There's not a whole lot else to do. Sometimes, at
the door, it's a young resident in early so he can watch what we're like Before Medication. BM, they call it.
Sometimes it's a spouse visiting ther~ on b,igh heels with her purse held' tight over her belly. Sometimes it's a
clutch of grade-school teachers being led on a tour by that fool Public Relation man who's always clapping his
wet hands together and saying how overjoyed he is that mental hospitals e IMashioned
cruelty. "What a cheery atmosphere, don't you agree ?"
He'll bustle around the schoolteachers, who are bunched together for safety, clapping his hands together. "Oh, when I think back on the old days, on the filth, the bad food,
even, yes, brutality, oh, I realize, ladies, that we have
come a long way in our campaign!" Whoever comes, in
the door is usually somebody disappointing, but there;s
all the heads come up like there's strings on them.

6 Write a notice to be displayed on the students' notice board seeking people interested in car-pool arrangements
from your part of the city to the college.
you have decided to contest the election to the students' union of your college. Write a pamphlet saying why your fellow students should vote for you.

Write a letter to the Dean, Student's Welfare, protesting , against the introduction of a dress code for female students in University.

7. accurate the subsequent phrases
(1) every job .in the software sector spin off 4 jobs in the supporting industries.
2)I have been praying for success since the past 5 years.
(3) Teacher In-chargers of different departments can't collaborate to produce a single ques. paper.
4)Don't nobody go nowhere
(5) He was crust-fallen on the news of yet a different failure.
(6) He who hesitates was lost.
(7) The. strain affected his judgment.
-(8) I need to concentrate so be quite.
(9) The assent given too steep for most novice climbers.
(10) Beer with us while we try to get the trains to run on time.

8 Report Writing: (marks lx.5=5 )

(1) Write a report . addressed to the Principal on the proceedings of any 1 of the Public Lectures you
have attended.

(2) Write a letter of application for the position of Management Trainee at a leading hotel chain. Briefly
mention why you are suitable for the position in this covering letter.Furnish a brief bio-data. presume any . info you need to furnish.

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