University of Delhi 2007 B.A Hindi Subsidiary for Honours -POLITICAL SCIENCE - I - Question Paper
Monday, 20 May 2013 01:20Web
Subsidiary for Honours Courses
(Political Theory)
times – three hours maximum marks- 100
Attempt any 5 ques..
All ques. carry equal marks.
1. Write an essay on the purposes and uses of political Theory.
2. Discuss the concept of state sovereignty in the light of contemporary world
economic developments.
3. Why are Right necessary? explain Laski’s view on Right.
4. Examine subaltern notion of justice.
5. Critically examine Austin’s theory of Sovereignty.
6. Explain the rise and growth of the Modern Nation state.
7. Critically Examine the Elitist Theory of Democracy.
8. Discuss the concept of development. What should be the goal of development?
9. Examine the contribution of Marshall and Giddens to the Theory of citizenship.
10. Write short note on any 2 of the following;
i. Economic equality
ii. Gandhian notion of common good
iii. Politics as class struggle
iv. Ideological power
Earning: Approval pending. |