University of Delhi 2005 B.A Economics Economic Development and Planning in India - Question Paper
Monday, 20 May 2013 12:55Web
Q. 1. What do you understand by economic development? Examine the role of capital formation in the economic development of a country.
Q. 2. Account for the rapid rise in India’s population. elaborate the main reasons for the failure of Government policies in this regard?
Q. 3. elaborate the main objectives of planning in India ? Are these objectives mutually incompatible ?
Q. 4. Critically examine the main features of the New Industrial Policy introduced in 1991.
Q. 5. Write short notes on any 2 of the following:
(i) Economic Consequences of British Rule in India;
(ii) Causes of Rural Unemployment in India;
(iii) Special Programs for Poverty Removal in India.
part ‘B’
Q. 6. discuss the importance of agriculture in Indian economy. Do you agree with the view that the Green Revolution had only a limited impact on Indian agriculture?
Q. 7. Why should cottage and small scale industries be encouraged in India? provide reasons for your ans.
Q. 8. elaborate multinational corporations ? What has been their role in the industrial development of India ?
Q. 9. elaborate the reason of adverse balance of payments in India ? Will effective export promotion measures be able to solve the issue ? discuss.
Q. 10. Write short notes on any 2 of the following:
(i) Objectives of Land Reforms in India;
(ii) trend of Industrial Development in India;
(iii) Consequences of Rising Prices in India.
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