University of Delhi 2007 B.A Hons English Literature III - Question Paper
Sunday, 19 May 2013 11:30Web
Q. 1. Identify eontextualize, discuss and critically comment on the following:
(a) (i) Has Heaven reserv’d, in pity to the Poor.
No pathless Waste, or undiscover’d shore ?
No secret Island in the boundless main ?
No peacefui Desart yet unclaim’d by Spain ?
Quick let us rise, the happy Seats explore.
And bear Oppression’s Isolence no more.
(ii) But Knowledge to their eyes her ample page,
Rich with the spoils of time did ne’er unroll;
Chill Penury repressed their noble rage,
And froze the genial current of the soul.
(b) (i) I wander thro’ every charter’d street
Near where the charter’d Thames does flow,
And mark in every face I meet
Marks of weakness, marks of woe.
(ii) Could I revive within me
He symphony and Song;
To such a deep delight ‘twould win me,
That with music loud and long,
I would build that dome in air;
That sunny dome! those caves of ice!
© (i) …. on a sudden I beheld a stream of fire problem
from an old and beautiful oak, which stood
about twenty yards from our house; and so
soon as the dazzling light vanished, the oak
had disappeared, and nothing remained but
a blasted stump.
(ii) “God in pity made man beautiful and alluring
after his own image; but my form is a filthy
kind of yours, more horrid from its very resemlance
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Q. 2. (a) (i) Analyse Defoe’s ideas on English trade and trades¬men with reference to eighteenth century mercantile expansion.
(ii) Johnson and Wordsworth propose various ideas about poetry. Examine this statement with reference to the age in which they wrote.
(b) (i) The rise of the Gothic novel.
(ii) Comment on the alienation of man in an increasingly mercantile and industrial England with reference to mid-eighteenth and early nineteenth century writing.
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Q. 3. (i) Gulliver is not a novelistically consistent character. This varying voice is described by the ever-shifting demands of satiric in¬tention. Would you agree ? provide a reasoned ans.
(ii) Gulliver’s Travels is Swift’s most extensive commentary on political follies and vices. explain.
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Q. 4. (i) “Overall, the course of Keats’s development might be partly defined as the……..gradually cumulative loss of confidence in the merely visionary imagination.” explain in the light of the poems you have learn.
(ii) Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage is a self-reflexive account of the Romantic age. explain.
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