University of Delhi 2006 B.A External Correspondence History of Europe - Question Paper
Sunday, 19 May 2013 11:25Web
Q. 1. What were the aims and objectives of the Congress of Vienna ? To what extent were they realised ?
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Q. 2. Assess the achievements of the revolutions of 1848.
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Q. 3. What were the main social and economic reforms of Alexander II ?
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Q. 4. What do you understand by the term Eastern Ques¬tion ? How did it influence European history in the 1st half of the nineteenth century ?
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Q. 5. explain the role of"foreign powers in the unification of Italy.
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Q. 6. explain the interrelationship ranging from the domestic and foreign policies of Bismarck.
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Q. 7. Trace the process by which the world was divided into 2 hostile alliances by 1907.
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Q. 8. Assess the success and failure of the League of Na¬tions.
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Q. 9. explain Hitler’s rise to power.
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Q. 10. Write short notes on any 2 of the subsequent :
(i) Treaty of San Stefano;
(ii) Paris Commune;
(iii) Entente Cordiale, 1904;
(iv) March on Rome.
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